Misleading Listing
Listings that intentionally misuse listing elements to misrepresent products and mislead customers are prohibited. The title, description, price, size/color options, and images used to advertise a product should clearly and accurately reflect the product being sold.

Listings found to be in violation of this policy are subject to various repercussions and/or removal without prior notice by Wish. If a merchant is found to violate this policy multiple times, the merchant may be subject to other consequences, including (but not limited to) account suspension or account termination.

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:
  • Discrepancies in the title and/or main image
  • Unreasonable price points
  • The use of irrelevant or misleading images
  • When a package size advertised is unavailable for purchase
  • Product variations that use nonsensical or misleading terms in the size/color options
  • Product variations with unjustified size and/or price increments
  • Listings and/or product variations advertising devices with false exaggerated, unreasonable, or impossible capacities (e.g., the sale of storage devices with false or impossible capacities)
  • When valid customer feedback indicates the item received is not consistent with a listing
  • If valid customer feedback indicates the expected item was not sent or a fake tracking number was used
  • The product is not the focus of the main image
  • Size misrepresentation in product main image
  • The product variation or quantity offered is nonsensical to a reasonable customer, but merchants do not clearly and consistently disclose or indicate this in the entirety of the listing (across main image, product title, description, size options, and other areas of the product listing)
  • Listings which misrepresent products or set false expectations for customers
  • Products or listings with unsupported medical claims
  • Listings that claim free product offers (e.g., Buy One Get One Free and its variants)
Note: Wish ultimately reserves the right to determine whether a listing on Wish is considered “misleading” or not.

Example Listings