False Advertising
Merchants should not make unsubstantiated or exaggerated statements regarding the products they are selling. Unverified claims, guarantees or certain assurances, promises, or “warranties”, or endorsements in the titles, images, and/or descriptions of a listing may be considered to be false advertisement. Listings found to be in violation of this policy are subject to various repercussions and/or removal without prior notice by Wish. If a merchant is found to violate this policy multiple times, the merchant may be subject to other consequences, including (but not limited to) account suspension or account termination.

Note: Wish ultimately reserves the right to determine whether a specific statement in a listing or advertisement on Wish (including any implied claim) is considered a “false advertisement” or not.

The following are considered to be in violation of this policy:
  • Watermarks, Logos, or Trademarks from other E-Commerce Sites
  • Projected Shipping Times or Costs
  • Unauthorized use of Wish-Owned Trademarks
  • Unverified Price Information
  • Unsubstantiated Warranties or Guarantees
  • Logos, Seals, Insignias, Credentials, ID cards, Badges, Trade Dress, or Branding of Accredited Agencies or Organizations – e.g.,
    • U.S. government agencies such as military branches, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection
    • Federal, state, and local law-enforcement agencies
    • Ride-sharing entities, such as Uber, Lyft, Gett, Via, Curb, Didi Chuxing, Grab, and Ola
  • Merchant Contact or Referral Information
  • Products or listings which advertise, promote, allude to, and/or depict any results for health and health-related, or personal care (e.g., face/skin cream), products without adequate substantiation

Violations of this policy may result in penalties of up to $10 USD.
Example Listings