API Reference
The Wish Merchant API will be using oAuth to authenticate in order to offer better security for its users
- Learn about oAuth here.
- If you are a merchant and want to create an application for yourself, learn about how to create a private app here
- If you are a ERP and create applications that'll be used by multiple merchants, learn about how to create a public app here. You will need to apply to be a verified public application
- Learn how to invoke the APIs after obtaining the access token here
The Wish merchant platform is an ecommerce platform. It allows merchants to upload and manage inventory for sale on Wish. The platform is intended to be full-featured so merchants can manage their inventory, fulfill orders and handle customer issues.
This API is intended to be a fully programmable alternative to the GUI version of this platform. However, it is a work in progress and is constantly being updated with new features.
The best way to get started using this API is to read through this section and then visit the User Guide section. If you're too excited and need to start now please visit the Quick Start Guide.
API Base Url
- https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/
API Base Url For China
- https://china-merchant.wish.com/api/v2/
List of Endpoints
- /auth_test
- /product
- /product/multi-get
- /product/update
- /product/enable
- /product/disable
- /product/add
- /product/create-download-job
- /product/get-download-job-status
- /product/cancel-download-job
- /variant
- /variant/multi-get
- /variant/update
- /variant/enable
- /variant/disable
- /variant/update-inventory
- /variant/add
- /order
- /order/multi-get
- /order/get-fulfill
- /order/fulfill-one
- /order/modify-tracking
- /order/create-download-job
- /order/get-download-job-status
- /order/cancel-download-job
- /order/get-confirmed-delivery-countries
- /order/get-confirmed-delivery-shipping-carriers-for-country
Wish uses the OAuth 2.0 specification to authenticate your requests. For a detailed guide on how to authenticate, click here.
Every request will need to be authenticated with an access token. When making requests, provide the access token as a GET or POST request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Example |
access_token | String | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb |
Alternatively, the access token can be included in the header in this format: 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'
Requests must be made over HTTPS. Any call made over HTTP will be rejected.
Response Scheme
Every response returned from the Wish API will have the same schema. This schema is intended to give you a predictable manner to check the status of your request and know where to get the data. Each response will have the following top level attributes: code, data, message, and sometimes paging.
AttributesCode | Contains the status code for the request, 0 means success and any other number implies a failure. |
Data | This attribute will store the response data that was requested. |
Message | Sometimes will store a human readable status message to aid in debugging. It is generally used only for errors. |
Paging | If the number of results exceeds the limit for the request, this parameter will aid the client in paging to collect all the results. |
Response Formats
This API can return results in either JSON or XML. To specify the format you would like your response in, include the 'format' parameter in your GET or POST request. This parameter is optional and defaults to JSON.
Parameter | Type | Example | Required |
format | String | 'xml' or 'json', default is 'json' | No |
API Errors
The Wish API returns specific error data back to the client in the event of an error. Each error will contain the following data: 'code', 'message', 'data', and 'type'. Please see table below for descriptions of each attribute.
AttributesCode | A unique number which represents the error that has occurred, example: 4001. |
Type | A unique human readable representation of the error, example: not_found |
Message | A message describing the error that happened, example: "We could not find a product for id: 'aaa'" |
Data | For most errors this will be empty. |
Example Request
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/order/fulfill-one -d "tracking_provider=USPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS&tracking_number=12345679&id=098765432112345678901234&access_token=an_example_access_token"Example Response
{ "message":"Tracking provider is not one of the accepted providers on Wish", "code":1000, "data":2003 }
HTTP Status Codes
As well as using specific error codes in the event of an error, this API tries to conform to conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure. Any response code of the form 2xx is generally considered successful. A status code of 4xx means that there was an error with the inputs. Any code in the 5xx range means that the server experienced an unexpected error and means we screwed up!
The HTTP status code should be used as a quick reference, but to get specific details please refer to the error code provided in the response.
You can optionally specify locale in order to translate error messages into your language. If none is provided, your default locale will be used.
Supported locales: 'en', 'zh', 'fr', 'de'
Parameterslocale | optional The language you want the error message to be translated in. If none is provided, your default locale will be used. Supported locales: 'en', 'zh', 'fr', 'de'. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you update a product with a invalid main_image url and you want error message to be translated in English('en'), your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- main_image = xxx
- locale = en
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $main_image = urlencode('xxx'); $locale = urlencode('en'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update?access_token=%s&id=%s&main_image=%s&locale=%s", $access_token, $id, $main_image, $locale); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 1000, 'data': 13, 'message': 'Cannot get image from URL xxx' }
For performance reasons it is necessary for this API to limit the number of results returned in each request. This limit varies per request, but there is always an upper bound on the number of items returned in any response. In the case that the number of results is too large, you may page through all the results with multiple requests.
If the results must be paginated the 'paging' attribute will exist in the response. This attribute will contain 'next' and 'prev' which are URLs for fetching the next (or previous) page of data.
Note: access token and format have been removed from the URLs for brevity.{ code: 0, data : [/* results will be here */], message: '', paging : { next:https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get?start=20&limit=10, prev:https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get?start=10&limit=10 } }
Rate-limiting will be performed on a per-merchant basis for each app. It is your responsibility to ensure you are not making frequent unnecessary calls to the API.
If the rate limits cannot satisfy your need, we highly recommend integrating webhooks for your app. With webhooks, instead of pulling resources periodically, your app will receive real-time notifications for particular events that occur to a merchant’s store. Learn more
Normal Usage
To help you track the rate-limiter status, the following response header(s) will be provided with each response:
- Wish-Rate-Limit-Remaining: The number of calls remaining in the current rate-limiting window.
- Example: Wish-Rate-Limit-Remaining:2
Rate-Limit Exceeded
After you exceed the number of allowed calls in the current rate-limiting window, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests error response and the following additional header(s):
- Wish-Rate-Limit-Reset: The time the rate-limiter will reset.
- Example: Wish-Rate-Limit-Reset:2021-05-19T16:37:00.000+00:00
Example Response
{ "message": "Too many requests.", "code": 1056, "data": {} }
How to Test
To avoid testing the API on production data, use our sandbox. The sandbox is completely contained and will not affect Wish users or your merchant account.
To reach the sandbox, visit: https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com
To use the sandbox in testing, use "https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com/v2/" as your base URL.
Steps to create sandbox user:
Go to the
Sign up with your information
To generate test transactions for api testing, click on Orders -> Action Required
Click the generate transactions button
Assuming your access token is "an_example_access_token"
> curl "https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com/api/v3/oauth/test?access_token=an_example_access_token"
> curl "https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product?id=4ef2858a9795c776ce000120&access_token=an_example_access_token"
> curl https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/enable -d "id=123456789009876543211234&access_token=an_example_access_token"
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf("https://sandbox.merchant.wish.com/api/v3/oauth/test?access_token=%s); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'sandbox'); $client->authTest(); ?>
How To Debug
When API errors, it'll still return a JSON or XML response. The response contains information on exactly what caused the error
For more information, check out here
Example Request
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/order/fulfill-one -d "tracking_provider=USPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS&tracking_number=12345679&id=098765432112345678901234&access_token=an_example_access_token"Example Response
{ "message":"Tracking provider is not one of the accepted providers on Wish", "code":1000, "data":2003 }
USPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is not a shipping provider, to fix, change it to USPSExample Request 2
Example Response 2
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'success': True}, 'message': 'Your order is been processed right now!' }
Request ID
Each API request is associated with a unique identifier. You can find this value in response headers, under Wish-Request-ID.
When you need to contact us about a specific request, please provide this ID to ensure the fastest possible reply.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are some quick code snippets that are commonly used to get you started
How do I update price of a product?'
Update price of a product:
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update -d "sku=productsku&access_token=an_example_access_token&price=12.3"
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $new_price = urlencode('11.3'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update?access_token=%s&sku=%s&price=%s", $access_token, $sku,$new_price,); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context)); print_r($response); echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $variant = $client->getProductVariatonBySKU('sku'); $variant->price = 10.2; $client->updateProductVariant($variant);
How do I update inventory of a product?
Update inventory of a product:
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update -d "sku=productsku&access_token=an_example_access_token&inventory=100"
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $inventory = urlencode('100'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update-inventory?access_token=%s&sku=%s&inventory=%s", $access_token, $sku, $inventory); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->updateInventoryBySKU($sku,100); ?>
How do I enable/disable a product?
Enable/disable product:
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/enable -d "id=productid312&access_token=an_example_access_token"
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/enable?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->enableProductVariationBySKU('sku'); $client->enableProductVById('product_id'); ?>
How do I get all products?
Download all products:
Start your batch Product download:
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/create-download-job?access_token=an_example_access_token"
This will provide you with a 'job_id' for your download.
Check the status of your download by 'job_id':
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/create-download-job?job_id=an_example_job_id&access_token=an_example_access_token"
When your download is ready, you will receive a 'download_link' in the response.
You will also receive an email with a link to download your Products.
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $products = $client->getAllProducts(); $product_variations = $client->getAllProductVariations(); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/create-download-job?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = json_decode(file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context)); print_r($response); ?>
How do I get all orders?
Download all orders:
Start your batch Order download:
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/order/create-download-job?access_token=an_example_access_token"
This will provide you with a 'job_id' for your download.
Check the status of your download by 'job_id':
> curl https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/order/create-download-job?job_id=an_example_job_id&access_token=an_example_access_token"
When your download is ready, you will receive a 'download_link' in the response.
You will also receive an email with a link to download your Orders.
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $unfulfilled_orders = $client->getAllUnfulfilledOrdersSince('2010-01-20'); $changed_orders = $client->getAllChangedOrdersSince('2010-01-20'); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/order/create-download-job?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; ?>
Quick Start Guide
We encourage you to skim through the section above to get an understanding about the fundamentals of this API. If you simply cannot wait, we hope this will get you started.
Get Your Access Token
Every request made must have an access token in the request. This token is used for authentication so please keep it a secret.
To obtain an access token, please visit this guide.
Test Authentication
Now that you have your access token you can test it by making a simple test request to the API and ensuring it works. For instructions on how to do this visit this guide.
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); echo $client->authTest(); ?>
The product entity represents an item that is for sale on Wish. Each product can have multiple variations comprised of different sizes and colors. Each product has at least one product variation. Product variations, not products, are purchased by users. Each product contains multiple related SKUs.

With this API you can create, and update products. You can also retrieve one or many of your products.
Attributesid | The Wish Id of the product, a 24 character string |
name | The name which you have given the product, example: 'Blue Shoe' |
parent_sku | Your unique identifier for the product |
num_sold | Number of sales this product has received |
num_saves | Number of times this product has been added to users' wishlists |
review_status | Our review status of the product. Can be 'approved', 'rejected' or 'pending' |
removed_by_merchant | Whether the product has been completely removed by the merchant, these products cannot be edited |
country_shipping | A list of CountryShipping objects. Each CountryShipping object contains attributes country_code, price, localized_price, and localized_currency_code, which represent the shipping price for that country The price value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_price instead. |
default_shipping_price | The default shipping price for the product. Once set, the default shipping price will automatically apply as the shipping price for any new or unset countries. This value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_default_shipping_price instead. |
localized_default_shipping_price | The localized default shipping price for the product, in the merchant's local currency. Once set, the localized default shipping price will automatically apply as the shipping price for any new or unset countries. |
tags | Comma separated list of tags which are applied to the product |
description | A blurb of text uploaded as the description to the product |
variants | A list of Product Variation entities |
requested_product_brand_id | Brand ID of your product |
landing_page_url | URL on your website containing the product details |
upc | 8 to 14 digits GTIN (UPC, EAN, ISBN) contains no letters or other characters |
main_image | URL of the main image of the product |
extra_images | URL of all extra images of the product, separated by the character '|' |
clean_image | Wish URL of the selected clean image of the product |
enabled | If true, this product is eligible for sale. |
is_promoted | If true, this product is promoted. |
original_image_url | URL of the original image when product was created. |
date_uploaded | Date when product was created. |
last_updated | Time when product was last updated (%m-%d-%YT%H:%M:%S). |
wish_express_country_codes | If a product listing is enrolled in Wish Express this field will be a list of two letter country codes that the listing is eligible for |
demo_video_asset_url | URL of the demo video that was uploaded for this product |
Create a Product
Use the endpoint to create a new product.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/add
name | Name of the product as shown to users on Wish |
description | Description of the product. Should not contain HTML. If you want a new line use "\n". |
tags | optional Comma separated list of strings that describe the product. Only 10 are allowed. Any tags past 10 will be ignored. |
sku | The unique identifier that your system uses to recognize this product |
color | optional The color of the product. Example: red, blue, green |
condition | optional The condition of the product. Example: NEW, USED, REFURBISHED |
size | optional The size of the product. Example: Large, Medium, Small, 5, 6, 7.5 (For custom size, the length of the characters must be less than 50 ) |
inventory | The physical quantities you have for this product, max 500,000 |
price | The price of the variation when the user purchases one, max 100,000 |
localized_price | optional The price of the variation in the merchant's local currency. This is required for non-USD merchants. |
shipping | The shipping of the product when the user purchases one, max 1000. Note that this will be the product default shipping price and will be used as the shipping price for countries where shipping price is not provided when the product is created. |
localized_shipping | optional The shipping of the product when the user purchases one in the merchant's local currency, max 1000. Note that this will be the product localized_default shipping price and will be used as the localized shipping price for countries where localized shipping price is not provided when the product is created. This is required for non-USD merchants. |
localized_currency_code | optional The merchant's localized currency code. This must be provided in order to set localized pricing fields. This is required for non-USD merchants. |
country_shipping_prices | optional The country shipping prices of the product when user purchases one. JSON formatted dictionary of country codes and shipping prices accepted. Example: {"US":3.99,"CA":4.99, "LOCAL_CA":29.94}. Only countries you ship to are allowed. Any country you don't ship to is ignored. Use LOCAL_CC to set the localized price for the country. |
msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”). Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
localized_msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”) in the merchant's local currency. Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
shipping_time | optional (DEPRECATED/UNUSED) The amount of time it takes for the shipment to reach the buyer. Please also factor in the time it will take to fulfill and ship the item. Provide a time range in number of days. Lower bound cannot be less than 2 days. Example: 15-20 |
main_image | URL of a photo of your product. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. We accept JPEG, PNG or GIF format. Images should be at least 100 x 100 pixels in size. It may take up to 1 hour for the image to be uploaded. |
parent_sku | optional When defining a variant of a product we must know which product to attach the variation to. parent_sku is the unique id of the product that you can use later when using the add product variation API. |
requested_product_brand_id | optional Brand ID of your product |
landing_page_url | optional URL on your website containing the product details |
upc | optional 8 to 14 digits GTIN (UPC, EAN, ISBN) contains no letters or other characters |
extra_images | optional URL of extra photos of your product. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. Same rules apply as main_image. You can specify one or more additional images separated by the character '|'. The total number of extra images plus the number of variation images must not exceed 100. It may take up to 1 hour for the images to be uploaded. |
clean_image | optional URL of the clean image of your product. Must the same URL as the main_image_url or one of the extra_image_urls. Products with clean image selected may receive increased impressions and sales. It may take up to 1 hour for the image to be set. Learn more. |
max_quantity | optional The maximum quantity of products per order. |
reference_value | optional The reference value (in the given unit) that is used to calculate the price per unit of a product and to illustrate the unit count for the consumer to see. Learn More. |
quantity_value | optional The total quantity of the product variant (in the given unit) that is used to calculate price per unit. Note that if a product has multiple product variants, you will need to set quantity values for each product variant. Learn More. |
unit |
optional The unit of measurement for the total content of a product. This will be used to display the price per unit, and is the unit of measurement that will be used for both the Reference Value and Quantity Value attributes. Learn More. Enum: "OUNCE" "POUND" "MILLIGRAM" "GRAM" "KILOGRAM" "FLUID_OUNCE" "PINT" "QUART" "GALLON" "MILLILITER" "CENTILITER" "LITER" "CUBICMETER" "INCH" "FOOT" "YARD" "CENTIMETER" "METER" "SQUARE_FOOT" "SQUARE_METER" "COUNT" "LOAD" "WASH" "ROLL" "POD" null |
length |
optional The length of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
width |
optional The width of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
height |
optional The height of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
weight |
optional The weight of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in g)
declared_name |
optional Product name for logistics declaration
declared_local_name |
optional Product name written in local language for logistics declaration
pieces |
optional The amount of pieces associated with this item
declared_value |
optional The price of your product that will be declared to custom.
hscode |
optional Harmonization System Code used for custom declaration.
origin_country |
optional country where product is manufactured. Country code should follow ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code. Example:CN, US
has_powder |
optional Whether product contains powder. Example: true, false.
has_liquid |
optional Whether product contains liquid. Example: true, false.
has_battery |
optional Whether product contains battery. Example: true, false.
has_metal |
optional Whether product contains metal. Example: true, false.
demo_video_asset_url | optional URL where a demo video of this product can be downloaded. Please note that links to Youtube, Amazon.com, Ebay, Etsy are not valid. We support the following formats: mp4, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, webm. Max file size is 50MB |
Upon success, a product will be created and that product is returned in the response with its corresponding Wish identifier.
Lets say you had product named "red shoe" with a SKU of red-shoe-11,with price $100.00 and shipping of $10.00. If you want the description to be "this is a cool shoe" and its tags to be "red,shoe,cool". You want "http://i.imgur.com/Q1a32kD.jpg" to be the main image for your product and have additional imge "http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg" and "http://i.imgur.com/LuPSxBM.jpg". Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token"
- name = red shoe
- parent_sku = red-shoe
- sku = red-shoe-11
- inventory = 100
- price = 100
- localized_price = 600
- shipping = 10
- localized_shipping = 60
- country_shipping_prices = {"US":3.99,"CA":4.99,"LOCAL_US":24.0}
- description = this is a cool shoe
- tags = red,shoe,cool
- main_image = http://i.imgur.com/Q1a32kD.jpg
- extra_images=http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg|http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $product = array( 'name'=>'red shoe', 'main_image'=>'http://i.imgur.com/Q1a32kD.jpg', 'extra_images'=>'http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg|http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg', 'sku'=>'red-shoe-11', 'parent_sku'=>'red-shoe', 'country_shipping_prices'=>'{"US":3.99,"CA":4.99,"LOCAL_US":24.0}' 'tags'=>'red,shoe,cool', 'description'=>'a cool shoe', 'inventory'=>'100', 'price'=>'100', 'localized_price'=>'600', 'shipping'=>'10', 'localized_shipping'=>'60', 'localized_currency_code'=>'CNY' ); $prod_res = $client->createProduct($product); print_r($prod_res); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $name = urlencode('red shoe'); $parent_sku = urlencode('red-shoe'); $sku = urlencode('red-shoe-11'); $inventory = urlencode('100'); $price = urlencode('100'); $shipping = urlencode('10'); $localized_price = urlencode('600'); $localized_shipping = urlencode('60'); $localized_currency_code = urlencode('CNY'); $country_shipping_prices = urlencode('{"US":3.99,"CA":4.99,"LOCAL_US":24.0}') $description = urlencode('this is a cool shoe'); $tags = urlencode('red,shoe,cool'); $main_image = urlencode('http://i.imgur.com/Q1a32kD.jpg'); $extra_images = urlencode('http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg|http://i.imgur.com/Cxagv.jpg'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/add?access_token=%s&main_image=%s&name=%s&description=%s&tags=%s&sku=%s&inventory=%s&price=%s&shipping%s&localized_price=%s&localized_shipping=%s&localized_currency_code=%s&extra_images=%s&parent_sku=%s", $access_token, $main_image, $name, $description, $tags, $sku, $inventory, $price, $shipping, $localized_price, $localized_shipping, $localized_currency_code, $extra_images, $parent_sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'Product': {'description': ' this is a cool shoe', 'id': '52a11ebdf94adc0cfee0dbd9', 'name': 'red shoe', 'number_saves': '0', 'number_sold': '0', 'parent_sku': 'red-shoe', 'review_status': 'pending', 'removed_by_merchant': False, 'tags': [{'Tag': {'id': 'red', 'name': 'red'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'cool', 'name': 'cool'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'shoe', 'name': 'shoe'}}], 'country_shippings': [{'CountryShipping': {'price': '4.99', 'localized_price': '30.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'CA'}}, {'CountryShipping': {'price': '3.99', 'localized_price': '24.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'US'}}], 'variants': [{'Variant': {'enabled': 'True', 'id': '52a11ebef94adc0cfee0dbdb', 'product_id': '52a11ebdf94adc0cfee0dbd9', 'inventory': '100', 'shipping_time': '5-10', 'sku': 'red-shoe-11', 'price': '100.0', 'shipping': '10.0' 'localized_price': '600.0', 'localized_shipping': '60.0' 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY'}]}}, 'message': ''}
Retrieve a Product
Retrieve the details about a product which exists on the Wish platform. You must have the unique product Id or the parent sku that was returned upon product creation.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
warehouse_name | optional The warehouse from where the variant shippings and inventories are fetched. If not specified, default warehouse shippings and inventories are used. |
Returns a product entity if a valid identifier was provided.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you want to retrieve a product with the id 4ef2858a9795c776ce000120:
- id = 4ef2858a9795c776ce000120
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $product = $client->getProductById('4ef2858a9795c776ce000120'); print_r($product); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('4ef2858a9795c776ce000120'); $url = sprintf("https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product?access_token=%s$id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'Product':{'description': ' Cotton Women Fashion Dresses', 'id': '51e0a2c47d41a236cfffe3a0', 'name': 'TEST!!!', 'category': 'Fashion', 'number_saves': '12529', 'number_sold': '14', 'review_status': 'approved', 'removed_by_merchant': False, 'tags': [{'Tag': {'id': 'Dress', 'name': 'Dress'}}, ], 'default_shipping_price': '5.0', 'country_shippings': [{'CountryShipping': {'price': '4.99', 'localized_price': '30', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'CA'}}, {'CountryShipping': {'price': '3.99', 'localized_price': '24', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'US'}}], 'variants': [{'Variant': {'enabled': 'True', 'id': '51e0a2c67d41a236cfffe3a2', 'product_id': '51e0a2c47d41a236cfffe3a0', 'inventory': '10000', 'msrp': '20000.0', 'price': '10000.0', 'shipping': '101.0', 'localized_price': '60000.0', 'localized_shipping': '606.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'Bottle', 'LogisticsMetadata': { 'declared_name': 'Bottle', 'declared_local_name': '瓶子', 'pieces': 1, 'height': '12.0', 'weight': '2.0', 'width': '23.0', 'length': '2.0', 'origin_country': 'US', 'hscode':'6104299034', 'product_id': '59c17fbae3a3f61e0dba33b8', 'id': '51e0a2c67d41a236cfffe3a2', 'declared_value': '32.0', 'Composition': { 'has_liquid': 'True', 'has_battery': 'False', 'has_powder': 'False', 'has_metal': 'False' } } }}]}}, 'country_shippings': [{'CountryShipping': {'price': '4.99', 'localized_price': '30', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'CA'}}, {'CountryShipping': {'price': '3.99', 'localized_price': '24' 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'US'}}], 'message': ''}
Update a Product
Updates the specified product with the parameters passed in the request. Any attribute not provided will be left unchanged. For example, if you pass the name parameter we will update the name of the product and leave everything else unchanged.
This request can only update attributes specific to products and cannot be used to update anything to do with the product variations of a product.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku Wish's unique identifier for the product you would like to update |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for the product you would like to update |
name | optional Name of the product as shown to users |
description | optional Description of the product. If you want a new line use "\n". |
tags | optional Comma separated list of strings. The tags passed into this parameter will completely replace the tags that are currently on the product |
requested_product_brand_id | optional Brand ID of your product |
landing_page_url | optional URL on your website containing the product detail and buy button for the applicable product. |
upc | optional 8 to 14 digits GTIN (UPC, EAN, ISBN) contains no letters or other characters |
main_image | optional URL of a photo of your product. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. We accept JPEG, PNG or GIF format. Images should be at least 100 x 100 pixels in size. It may take up to 1 hour for the image to be updated. |
extra_images | optional URL of a photo of your product. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. Same rules apply as main_image. You can specify one or more additional images separated by the character '|'. The order of the urls will be the order of the images displayed on product page. To update existing images or add new images, you need to provide all extra image URLs, including the ones that remain the same. If none of the extra image URLs is provided, no update will be done. The total number of extra images plus the number of variation images must not exceed 100. It may take up to 1 hour for the images to be updated |
clean_image | optional URL of a clean image of your product. Update a product’s clean image with a Wish URL from an existing Wish main_image_url, Wish extra_image_url on the product, or an image added in this call. For example: this image. If the clean image URL is not an image for the product the clean image will not be set. Products with a clean image selected may receive increased impressions and sales. It may take up to 1 for the image to be updated. Learn more. |
max_quantity | optional The maximum quantity of products per order. |
condition | optional The condition of the product. Example: NEW, USED, REFURBISHED |
reference_value | optional The reference value (in the given unit) that is used to calculate the price per unit of a product and to illustrate the unit count for the consumer to see. Learn More. |
unit |
optional The unit of measurement for the total content of a product. This will be used to display the price per unit, and is the unit of measurement that will be used for both the Reference Value and Quantity Value attributes. Learn More. Enum: "OUNCE" "POUND" "MILLIGRAM" "GRAM" "KILOGRAM" "FLUID_OUNCE" "PINT" "QUART" "GALLON" "MILLILITER" "CENTILITER" "LITER" "CUBICMETER" "INCH" "FOOT" "YARD" "CENTIMETER" "METER" "SQUARE_FOOT" "SQUARE_METER" "COUNT" "LOAD" "WASH" "ROLL" "POD" null |
demo_video_asset_url |
optional URL where a demo video of this product can be downloaded. Please note that links to Youtube, Amazon.com, Ebay, Etsy are not valid. We support the following formats: mp4, mov, wmv, flv, avi, mkv, webm. Max file size is 50MB
To delete a product video, set this value an empty string (""). |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to change the name to "Awesome shoe", update the description to "This shoe is the best on Wish" and change the tags to "shoe,awesome,size 11" your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- name = Awesome shoe
- description = This shoe is the best on Wish
- tags = shoe, awesome, size 11
- access_token = an_example_access_token
If you did not want to update the tags, you would omit that parameter from your API call.
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $product = $client->getProductById('123456789009876543211234'); $product->name = "Awesome name"; $product->description = "This shoe is the best on Wish"; $product->tags = "shoe, awesome, size 11"; $client->updateProduct($product); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $name = urlencode('Awesome shoe'); $description = urlencode('This shoe is the best on Wish'); $tags = urlencode('shoe, awesome, size 11') $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update?access_token=%s&id=%s&name=%s&description=%s&tags=%s", $access_token, $id, $name, $description, $tags); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Change Product Parent SKU
Change a product's parent SKUs, the new identifier must also be unique within all products' parent SKUs of the merchant and also has to be unique within all variation's SKUs
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/change-sku
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
new_parent_sku | The new unique parent sku for the product you would like to change to |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the parent SKU 'ML-SZ52019' and you would like to change it to 'ML-SZ520190' your parameters would be:
- parent_sku = ML-SZ52019
- new_parent_sku = ML-SZ520190
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->changeProductVariationSKU('blue-shoe-11', 'blue-shoe-12');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $parent_sku = urlencode('ML-SZ52019'); $new_parent_sku = urlencode('ML-SZ520190'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/change-sku?access_token=%s&parent_sku=%s&new_parent_sku=%s", $access_token, $parent_sku, $new_parent_sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Enable a Product
Enable a product and all of its product variations. This marks the product available for sale.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/enable
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku Wish's unique identifier for the product you would like to update |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for the product you would like to update |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to enable it, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->enableProductById('123456789009876543211234'); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/enable?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Disable a Product
Disable a product and all of its product variations. This marks the product unavailable for sale.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/disable
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku Wish's unique identifier for the product you would like to update |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku supplied when product was uploaded |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to disable it, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->disableProductById('123456789009876543211234'); ?>
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234') $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/disable?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Remove Product
Call this to permanently remove a product from the store. This action cannot be undone, and will hide the product completely on Wish. Also note that the SKUs of the product will be modified to allow reusing them.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/remove
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku Wish's unique identifier for the product you would like to update |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku supplied when product was uploaded |
This will return 200 if the product was removed successfully.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . Suppose you want to remove your product with product_id = "57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01":
- id = 57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $id = '57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'; $client->removeProduct('098765432112345678901234',$id);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/remove?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $job_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
List all Products
This API will be changed starting Oct. 24, 2016. Please switch to the batch download API to download all Products.
Returns a list of all your products currently on the Wish platform. If you have a high number of products the response will be paginated. The response will contain the URL for fetching the next page of products.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get
start | optional An offset into the list of returned items.
Use 0 to start at the beginning.
The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied Starting Oct. 24, 2016, 'start' will be limited to a maximum value of 25000 |
limit | optional A limit on the number of products that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 250 items and the default is 50 |
since | optional A date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If a date or time is provided, only products updated since the given date or time will be fetched. Default is to fetch all. |
upto | optional A date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If a date or time is provided, only products updated before the given date or time will be fetched. Default is to fetch all updated products until now. |
show_rejected | optional If specified to 'true', this API will return all products including those inappropriate products that were rejected during review. |
warehouse_name | optional The warehouse from where the variants' shippings and inventories are fetched. If not specified, default warehouse variation shippings and inventories are used. |
Response will contain a list of product objects as well as a 'paging' field with paging options if needed.
By default, product objects are sorted in descending order by last update time and product id.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you would like to view your products updated after 2014-10-15 and before 2015-06-10 01:00:00 in groups of 2 and you would like to see the 10th group your parameters would be:
- start = 20
- limit = 2
- since = 2014-10-15
- upto = 2015-06-10T01:00:00
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $products = $client->getAllProducts(); echo "You have ".count($products)." products!\n";
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $start = urlencode('20'); $limit = urlencode('2'); $since = urlencode('2014-10-15'); $upto = urlencode('2015-06-10T01:00:00'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get?access_token=%s&limit=%s&start=%s&upto=%s", $access_token, $limit, $start, $since, $upto); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': [{'Product': {'description': 'Example description', 'id': '5284e18fb5baba49d5xxxxxx', 'name': 'Cute Ring', 'category': 'Fashion', 'number_saves': '6', 'number_sold': '0', 'parent_sku': 'Cute Bow Ring', 'review_status': 'approved', 'removed_by_merchant': False, 'default_shipping_price': '10.5', 'tags': [{'Tag': {'id': 'womensring', 'name': 'womens ring'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'jewelry', 'name': 'Jewelry'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'bow', 'name': 'Bow'}}], 'variants': [{'Variant': {'color': 'green', 'condition': 'NEW', 'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5284e192b111ba49d5xxxxxx', 'product_id': '5284e18fb5baba49d5xxxxxx', 'inventory': '11', 'msrp': '113.9', 'price': '110.9', 'shipping': '10.5', 'localized_price': '660.0', 'localized_shipping': '63.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'AA1'}}, {'Variant': {'color': 'blue', 'condition': 'USED', 'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5284e19qqqbaba49d5bbbbbb', 'product_id': '5284e18fb5baba49d5xxxxxx', 'inventory': '100', 'msrp': '19.9', 'price': '15.9', 'shipping': '10.5', 'localized_price': '90.0', 'localized_shipping': '63.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'ZZ1'}}]}}, {'Product': {'description': 'Example Description', 'id': '5284efafb5bab119d1zzzzzz', 'name': 'Fairisle Scarf', 'number_saves': '0', 'number_sold': '0', 'parent_sku': 'Fairisle Scarf', 'review_status': 'rejected', 'removed_by_merchant': False, 'default_shipping_price': '10.0', 'tags': [{'Tag': {'id': 'cottonscarf', 'name': 'cotton scarf'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'fashionaccessorie', 'name': 'Fashion Accessories'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'fashion', 'name': 'Fashion'}}, {'Tag': {'id': 'scarf', 'name': 'scarf'}}], 'variants': [{'Variant': {'color': 'gray', 'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5284efb1b111ba49d1qqqqqq', 'product_id': '5284efafb5bab119d1zzzzzz', 'inventory': '1010', 'msrp': '25.9', 'price': '21.91', 'shipping': '10.0', 'localized_price': '120.0', 'localized_shipping': '60.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'AA4'}}, {'Variant': {'color': 'red', 'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5284efbaaababa49d1eiwqdf', 'product_id': '5284efafb5bab119d1zzzzzz', 'inventory': '1100', 'msrp': '21.99', 'price': '21.91', 'shipping': '11.0', 'localized_price': '120.0', 'localized_shipping': '66.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'AAB'}}]}}], 'country_shippings': [{'CountryShipping': {'price': '4.99', 'localized_price': '30.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'CA'}}, {'CountryShipping': {'price': '3.99', 'localized_price': '24.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'country_code': 'US'}}], 'message': '', 'paging': {'next': 'https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get?start=22&limit=2&since=2014-10-15&access_token=an_example_access_token', 'previous': 'https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/multi-get?start=18&limit=2&since=2014-10-15&access_token=an_example_access_token'}}
Remove Extra Images from a Product
This removes all the extra images from the product.
The main product image and variation images will not be affected.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/remove-extra-images
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique Wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to remove its extra images, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/remove-extra-images?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->removeExtraImagesById('123456789009876543211234'); ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{} }
Edit Shipping Price of a Product
This edits the shipping prices of a product to a specific country.
The merchant's shipping settings for this country must exist to indicate that the merchant supports this country.
You can set field 'enabled' to false to indicate that the product is disabled for that country. Users from a disabled country will not be able to buy the product. To re-enable a product, set the 'enabled' field to true or set the shipping price without the 'enabled' field.
If you are part of the Wish Express program, you can set the field 'wish_express' to indicate whether the product should be enrolled in Wish Express for this country.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update-shipping
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique Wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
country | Required The 2 letter country code. See Shippable Countries for a list of supported countries. Choose one from: AD, AL, AR, AT, AU, BA, BE, BG, BR, CA, CH, CL, CO, CR, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IL, IN, IS, IT, JP, KR, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, MK, MT, MX, NL, NO, NZ, PE, PL, PR, PT, RO, RS, SE, SG, SI, SK, SM, UA, US, VI, ZA, For regions, enter 2 leter country code + '_' + 2 or 3 letter regional code. E.g. "US_HI" for Hawaii, United States. See Customizable Regions for a list of supported regions. |
price |
The shipping price (in USD) of this product to this country, max 1000. |
localized_price | optional The price of the variation in the merchant's local currency. This is required for non-USD merchants. |
localized_currency_code | optional The merchant's localized currency code. This must be provided in order to set localized pricing fields. This is required for non-USD merchants. |
enabled | Determines if the product is enabled or disabled. Users from a disabled country will not be able to buy the product. |
wish_express | Determines whether the product is enrolled in the Wish Express program for this country. If yes, the product must be delivered to customers in that country within 5 working days. |
default_shipping_price | The default shipping price for the product. Once set, the default shipping price will automatically apply as the shipping price for any new or unset countries. |
localized_default_shipping_price | optional The localized default shipping price for the productin the merchant's local currency. Once set, the localized default shipping price will automatically apply as the localized shipping price for any new or unset countries. This is required for non-USD merchants if the default_shipping_price is being updated. |
use_country_shipping | A boolean value which determines if the product is using country shipping price for the given region. This is used by regional shipping only. Setting to True will override the price field. |
warehouse_name | The name of the warehouse on which the action will be performed. If warehouse name is not specified, and country level shipping price is specified, the effect of enabled and wish_express will apply across all warehouses. For example, if warehouse_name is not specified and: if enabled is false, all standard / express warehouse's shipping to the specified country will be disabled; if wish_express is false, the corresponding Express warehouse's shipping to that country will be disabled; if wish_express is true, shipping will be copied to the corresponding Express warehouse, and inventory will be split between the corresponding Express warehouses and the Standard warehouse, no values will be modified if already set. If warehouse name is not specified, and regional level shipping price is specified, the effect of enabled will apply to standard warehouse only. wish_express will have no effect. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to edit its shipping price of Canada to $2.99 USD, enable Wish Express to Canada, and set the default shipping price to $3.99 USD, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- country = CA
- price = 2.99
- localized_price = 18
- localized_currency_code = CNY
- wish_express = true
- default_shipping_price = 3.99
- localized_default_shipping_price = 24
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234'); $country = urlencode('CA'); $price = urlencode('2.99'); $localized_price = urlencode('18.0'); $loclaized_currency_code = urlencode('CNY'); $wish_express = urlencode('true'); $default_shipping_price = urlencode('3.99'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update-shipping?access_token=%s&id=%s&country=%s&price=%s&localized_price=%s&localized_currency_code=%s&localized_default_shipping_price=%s&wish_express=%s&default_shipping_price=%s", $access_token, $id, $country, $price, $localized_price, $localized_currency_code, $localized_default_shipping_price, $wish_express, $default_shipping_price); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->updateShippingById('123456789009876543211234', 'CA', 2.99); ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{} }
Edit Shipping Prices of a Product
This edits the shipping prices of a product.
This country must be enabled in merchant's Shipping Settings to indicate that the merchant supports this country.
If you are enrolled in the Wish Express program, you can specify Wish Express countries to enable for the product.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update-multi-shipping
id | Required The unique Wish identifier for this product |
AD, AL, AR, AT, AU, BA, BE, BG, BR, CA, CH, CL, CO, CR, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IL, IN, IS, IT, JP, KR, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, MK, MT, MX, NL, NO, NZ, PE, PL, PR, PT, RO, RS, SE, SG, SI, SK, SM, UA, US, VI, ZA, | Each value is the localized shipping price in the merchant's local currency of this product to the country. See Shippable Countries for a list of supported countries. Use the format localized_CC where CC is a valid country code. This sets the localized shipping price for the country within the warehouse specified in warehouse_name parameter, and meanwhile the country will be enabled in that warehouse. If localized_CC is provided and the country is included in wish_express_add_countries, and warehouse_name is not specified, the provided shipping price will be copied to the Wish Express shipping. Maximum is $1000 USD, or what's equivalent in local currency. |
localized_CC | This is required for non-USD merchants. If the country code (CC) is being updated, the localized_CC field must be provided as well. Each value is the localized shipping price in the merchant's local currency of this product to the country. See Shippable Countries for a list of supported countries. Use the format localized_CC where CC is a valid country code. This sets the localized shipping price for the country within the warehouse specified in warehouse_name parameter, and meanwhile the country will be enabled in that warehouse. If localized_CC is provided and the country is included in wish_express_add_countries, and warehouse_name is not specified, the provided shipping price will be copied to the Wish Express shipping. Maximum is $1000 USD, or what's equivalent in local currency. |
localized_currency_code | The merchant's local currency code. This is required for non-USD merchants. This can be retrieved in Merchant Currency Code API. |
AU_ACT, AU_JBT, AU_NSW, AU_NT, AU_QLD, AU_SA, AU_TAS, AU_VIC, AU_WA, BR_BAC, BR_BAI, BR_MGC, BR_MGI, BR_PRC, BR_PRI, BR_RJC, BR_RJI, BR_RSC, BR_SFB, BR_SPC, BR_SPI, CA_AB, CA_BC, CA_MB, CA_NB, CA_NL, CA_NS, CA_NT, CA_NU, CA_ON, CA_PE, CA_QC, CA_SK, CA_YT, CL_AI, CL_AN, CL_AP, CL_AR, CL_AT, CL_BI, CL_CO, CL_LI, CL_LL, CL_LR, CL_MA, CL_ML, CL_NB, CL_RM, CL_TA, CL_VS, DK_014, DK_042, DK_FO, DK_GL, ES_CN, ES_IB, FR_20R, FR_GF, FR_GP, FR_MF, FR_MQ, FR_NC, FR_PF, FR_PM, FR_RE, FR_WF, FR_YT, MX_AGU, MX_BCN, MX_BCS, MX_CAM, MX_CHH, MX_CHP, MX_COA, MX_COL, MX_DIF, MX_DUR, MX_GRO, MX_GUA, MX_HID, MX_JAL, MX_MEX, MX_MIC, MX_MOR, MX_NAY, MX_NLE, MX_OAX, MX_PUE, MX_QUE, MX_ROO, MX_SIN, MX_SLP, MX_SON, MX_TAB, MX_TAM, MX_TLA, MX_VER, MX_YUC, MX_ZAC, PT_20, PT_30, US_AA, US_AE, US_AK, US_AL, US_AP, US_AR, US_AS, US_AZ, US_CA, US_CO, US_CT, US_DC, US_DE, US_FL, US_GA, US_GU, US_HI, US_IA, US_ID, US_IL, US_IN, US_KS, US_KY, US_LA, US_MA, US_MD, US_ME, US_MI, US_MN, US_MO, US_MP, US_MS, US_MT, US_NC, US_ND, US_NE, US_NH, US_NJ, US_NM, US_NV, US_NY, US_OH, US_OK, US_OR, US_PA, US_RI, US_SC, US_SD, US_TN, US_TX, US_UT, US_VA, US_VT, US_WA, US_WI, US_WV, US_WY, | Use the format CC_RC where CC is a valid country code and RC is a valid region code inside the country. Each value is the shipping price (in USD) of this product to the region/state. The maximum value is 2 times the country shipping price. Updating shipping will enable the region automatically. See Customizable Regions for a list of supported regions. |
localized_CC_RC | This is required for non-USD merchants. If the field (CC_RC)'s is being updated, the localized_CC_RC field must be provided as well. Use the format localized_CC_RC where CC is a valid country code and RC is a valid region code inside the country. Each value is the shipping price in the merchant's local currency of this product to the region/state. The maximum value is 2 times the country shipping price. Updating shipping will enable the region automatically. See Customizable Regions for a list of supported regions. |
disabled_countries | A string that consists of country codes or region codes separated by comma. For example, 'AU,CA,US,US_HI,FR_RE'. Users in disabled countries or regions cannot see or buy the product. |
enabled_countries | A string that consists of country codes or region codes separated by comma. For example, 'AU,CA,US,US_HI,FR_RE'. Users in enabled countries or regions can see or buy the product. |
wish_express_add_countries | A string that consists of country codes separated by comma. For example, 'AU,CA,US'. The product must be shipped to a customer in any of those countries within 5 working days. If the Wish Express warehouse for the destination country does not exist yet, an error message will return. If country shipping price is provided in localized_CC and CC is in wish_express_add_countries, both STANDARD warehouse and Wish Express warehouse will be enabled with that provided localized shipping price. |
wish_express_remove_countries | A string that consists of country codes separated by comma. For example, 'AU,CA,US'. |
regions_use_country_shipping | A string that consists of country region codes separated by comma. For example, 'FR_RE, US_HI'. This is for regional shipping only. If a region is entered here, it overrides the price. |
default_shipping_price | The default shipping price for the product. Once set, the default shipping price will automatically apply as the shipping price for any new or unset countries. |
localized_default_shipping_price | The localized default shipping price for the product in the merchant's local currency. Once set, the localized default shipping price will automatically apply as the localized shipping price for any new or unset countries. |
warehouse_name | The name of the warehouse on which the action will be performed. If warehouse name is not specified, the effect of disabled_countries, wish_express_add_countries and wish_express_remove_countries will apply across all warehouses. For example, if warehouse_name is not specified and: if disabled_countries is set, all standard / express warehouse's shipping to the specified countries will be disabled; if wish_express_add_countries is set, shipping will be copied to the corresponding Express warehouse, and inventory will be split between the corresponding Express warehouses and the Standard warehouse, no values will be modified if already set; if wish_express_remove_countries is set, express shipping will be disabled for the corresponding countries; |
The four variables - disabled_countries, enabled_countries, wish_express_remove_countries, and wish_express_add_countries - have the following priority.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to edit its shipping price of Canada to $2.99 USD, of Australia to $1.99, of Great Britain and Italy to "Use product variation prices", disable the product Mexico and Brazil, enable Wish Express for the product in France and Spain, disable Wish Express for the product in the United States and Canada, and set the default shipping price to $3.99 USD, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- CA = 2.99
- localized_CA = 18
- AU = 1.99
- localized_AU = 12
- localized_currency_code = CNY
- disabled_countries = 'MX,BR'
- wish_express_add_countries = 'FR,ES'
- wish_express_remove_countries = 'US,CA'
- default_shipping_price = 3.99
- localized_default_shipping_price = 24
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234'); $CA = urlencode('2.99'); $localized_CA = urlencode('18'); $AU = urlencode('1.99'); $localized_AU = urlencode('18'); $localized_currency_code = urlencode('CNY'); $disabled_countries = urlencode('MX,BR'); $wish_express_add_countries = urlencode('FR,ES'); $wish_express_remove_countries = urlencode('US,CA'); $default_shipping_price = urlencode('3.99'); $localized_default_shipping_price = urlencode('24'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/update-multi-shipping?access_token=%s&id=%s&CA=%s&AU=%s&localized_CA=%s&localized_AU=%s&localized_currency_code=%s&disabled_countries=%s&wish_express_add_countries=%s&wish_express_remove_countries=%s&default_shipping_price=%s&localized_default_shipping_price=%s", $access_token, $id, $CA, $AU, $localized_CA, $localized_AU, $localized_currency_code, $disabled_countries, $wish_express_add_countries, $wish_express_remove_countries, $default_shipping_price, $localized_default_shipping_price); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{} }
Get Shipping Prices of a Product
Retrieve the shipping price of a product to a specific country and a flag indicating if the product is enabled for the country.
If merchant's shipping setting indicates that merchant does not ship to this country, the result will be an error.
If merchant's shipping setting indicates that he/she uses the product variation level shipping prices, the result will be an error.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique Wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
country | Required The 2 letter country code. See Shippable Countries for a list of supported countries. Choose one from: AD, AL, AR, AT, AU, BA, BE, BG, BR, CA, CH, CL, CO, CR, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IL, IN, IS, IT, JP, KR, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MD, ME, MK, MT, MX, NL, NO, NZ, PE, PL, PR, PT, RO, RS, SE, SG, SI, SK, SM, UA, US, VI, ZA, |
Response will contain a 'ProductCountryAllShipping' dict. The 'shipping_prices' in the response has been deprecated. Please use DataV2, which contains a list of shipping options from all warehouses. Each shipping option contains the type of the price and the warehouse's name where it ships from.
Each WarehouseShipping object has the following schema:
use_product_shipping | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product shipping price to the country is determined by the product variations. If 'False' then the product shipping price is the fixed value in the field shipping_price. |
price | The shipping price of the product to the country. This field could be a number to indicate a shipping price. It could also be the string "Use Product Shipping Price" to indicate that the shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. This value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_shipping_price instead. |
localized_price | The localized shipping price of the product to the country, in the merchant's local currency. This field could be a number to indicate a localized shipping price. It could also be the string "" to indicate that the localized shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. |
localized_currency_code | The merchant's local currency code. |
enabled | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product is available for sale in this country. If 'False' then the product is not available for sale in this country. |
warehouse_name | The name of the warehouse that this WarehouseShipping object is representing |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234 and you wanted to know its shipping price to Canada, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- country = CA
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234'); $country = urlencode('CA'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping?access_token=%s&id=%s&country=%s", $access_token, $id, $country); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->getShippingById('123456789009876543211234', 'CA'); ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "ProductCountryShipping": { "DataV2": { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "True", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "wish_express", "price": "3.0", "localized_price": "18.00", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "EXPRESS-CA", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "False" } }, { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "None", "localized_price": "", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "False", "use_product_shipping": "True" } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "country_code": "CA" } }, "shipping_price": "3.0", "localized_shipping_price": "18.00", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "country_code": "CA", "wish_express": "True", "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "use_product_shipping": "True" } } }
Get All Shipping Prices of a Product
Retrieve the shipping prices of a product to all countries(both enabled and disabled).
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-all-shipping
id | Must provide either id or parent_sku The unique Wish identifier for this product |
parent_sku | Must provide either id or parent_sku The parent sku for this product |
Response will contain a 'ProductCountryAllShipping' dict. The 'shipping_prices' in the response has been deprecated. Please use DataV2, which contains a list of shipping options from all warehouses. Each shipping option contains the type of the price and the warehouse's name where it ships from.
Each WarehouseShipping object has the following schema:
use_product_shipping | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product shipping price to the country is determined by the product variations. If 'False' then the product shipping price is the fixed value in the field shipping_price. |
price | The shipping price of the product to the country. This field could be a number to indicate a shipping price. It could also be the string "Use Product Shipping Price" to indicate that the shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. This value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_shipping_price instead. |
localized_price | The localized shipping price of the product to the country, in the merchant's local currency. This field could be a number to indicate a localized shipping price. It could also be the string "" to indicate that the localized shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. |
localized_currency_code | The merchant's local currency code. |
enabled | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product is available for sale in this country. If 'False' then the product is not available for sale in this country. |
warehouse_name | The name of the warehouse that this WarehouseShipping object is representing |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234, your parameters would be:
- id = 123456789009876543211234
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543211234'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->getAllShippingById('123456789009876543211234'); ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "ProductCountryAllShipping": { "id": "123456789009876543211234", "DataV2": { "ProductCountryWarehouseAllShipping": { "id": "123456789009876543211234", "countries": [ { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "4.0", "localized_shipping_price": "24.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "False" } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "country_code": "CA" } }, { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "wish_express", "price": "None", "localized_shipping_price": "24.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "EXPRESS-US", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "True", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "California", "use_country_shipping": "True", "localized_currency_code": "USD", "price": "None", "enabled": "False", "localized_price": "None", "state_code": "CA" }, ] } }, { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "None", "localized_shipping_price": "", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "False", "use_product_shipping": "True", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "Hawaii", "use_country_shipping": "False", "localized_currency_code": "USD", "price": "5.0", "enabled": "True", "localized_price": "5.0" "state_code": "HI" }, ] } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "country_code": "US" } } ] } } } } }
Get Shipping Prices of Many Products
Retrieve the shipping prices of many products to all enabled countries.
If merchant's shipping setting indicates that merchant ships worldwide, the result will be an error.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-products-shipping
ids | Required List of product IDs separated by ','. At most 50 product IDs. |
Response will contain a list of 'ProductCountryAllShipping'. The 'shipping_prices' in the response has been deprecated. Please use DataV2, which contains a list of shipping options from all warehouses. Each shipping option contains the type of the price and the warehouse's name where it ships from.
Each WarehouseShipping object has the following schema:
use_product_shipping | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product shipping price to the country is determined by the product variations. If 'False' then the product shipping price is the fixed value in the field shipping_price. |
price | The shipping price of the product to the country. This field could be a number to indicate a shipping price. It could also be the string "Use Product Shipping Price" to indicate that the shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. This value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_shipping_price instead. |
localized_price | The localized shipping price of the product to the country, in the merchant's local currency. This field could be a number to indicate a localized shipping price. It could also be the string "" to indicate that the localized shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. |
localized_currency_code | The merchant's local currency code. |
enabled | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product is available for sale in this country. If 'False' then the product is not available for sale in this country. |
wish_express | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product is part of the Wish Express program and must be shipped to customers within the destination country's delivery deadline. View each country's Wish Express delivery deadline here. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had a product with id 123456789009876543211234, your parameters would be:
- ids = 123456789009876543211234,111122223333444455556666
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $ids = urlencode('123456789009876543211234,111122223333444455556666'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping?access_token=%s&ids=%s", $access_token, $ids); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->getAllShippingById('123456789009876543211234'); ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": [ { "ProductCountryAllShipping": { "id": "123456789009876543211234", "DataV2": { "ProductCountryWarehouseAllShipping": { "id": "123456789009876543211234", "countries": [ { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "4.0", "localized_price": "24.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "False" } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "country_code": "CA" } }, { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "wish_express", "price": "None", "localized_price": "", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "EXPRESS-US", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "True", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "California", "use_country_shipping": "True", "price": "None", "localized_price": "None", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "enabled": "False", "state_code": "CA" }, ] } }, { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "None", "localized_price": "", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "True", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "Hawaii", "use_country_shipping": "False", "price": "5.0", "localized_price": "30.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "enabled": "True", "state_code": "HI" }, ] } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "123456789009876543211234", "country_code": "US" } } ] } } } }, { "ProductCountryAllShipping": { "id": "111122223333444455556666", "DataV2": { "ProductCountryWarehouseAllShipping": { "id": "111122223333444455556666", "countries": [ { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "7.0", "localized_price": "42.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "False" } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "111122223333444455556666", "country_code": "CA" } }, { "ProductCountryWarehouseShipping": { "wish_express": "False", "warehouses": [ { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "wish_express", "price": "3.0", "localized_price": "18.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "EXPRESS-US", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "False", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "Alaska", "use_country_shipping": "False", "price": "None", "localized_price": "None", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "enabled": "False", "state_code": "AK" }, ] } }, { "WarehouseShipping": { "price_type": "normal", "price": "None", "localized_price": "", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "warehouse_name": "STANDARD", "enabled": "True", "use_product_shipping": "True", "regional_shippings": [ { "RegionalShipping": { "state": "Hawaii", "use_country_shipping": "False", "price": "5.0", "localized_price": "30.0", "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "enabled": "True", "state_code": "HI" }, ] } } ], "enabled": "True", "id": "111122223333444455556666", "country_code": "US" } } ] } } } } ] }
Get Merchant Shipping Settings
Retrieve merchant's shipping settings
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping-setting
No parameters for this API
ResponseResponse will contain a list of 'CountryShippingSetting'.
country_code | The 2 letter country code of the shipping price. |
use_product_shipping | 'True'/'False'. If 'True' then the product shipping price to the country is determined by the product variations. If 'False' then the product shipping price is the fixed value in the field shipping_price. |
shipping_price | The shipping price of the product to the country. This field could be a number to indicate a shipping price. It could also be the string "Use Product Shipping Price" to indicate that the shipping price to this country is determined by the product variations. |
currency_code | The currency the shipping_price is in, if the shipping price is a number. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". your parameters would be:
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-shipping-setting?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->getShippingSetting(); ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'ShippingSetting': {'country_settings': [ {'CountryShippingSetting': {'country_code': 'AU', 'shipping_price': '1.00', 'use_product_shipping': 'False', 'currency_code': 'USD'}}, {'CountryShippingSetting': {'country_code': 'CA', 'shipping_price': '2.00', 'use_product_shipping': 'False', 'currency_code': 'USD'}}, {'CountryShippingSetting': {'country_code': 'GB', 'shipping_price': '3.00', 'use_product_shipping': 'False', 'currency_code': 'USD'}}, {'CountryShippingSetting': {'country_code': 'US', 'shipping_price': 'Use Product Shipping Price', 'use_product_shipping': 'True', 'currency_code': 'N/A'}}], }}, 'message': ''}
Start a Batch Product Download
Call this to begin downloading a CSV file of your Products.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/create-download-job
since | optional The download will include Products last updated after this date.
Accepted formats: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS To download all of your Products, do not provide the 'since' parameter. |
limit | optional A limit on the number of Products that can be returned. |
sort | optional The way the Products are sorted. By default, Products are sorted in descending order by product ID.
Accepted values: asc, desc |
show_rejected | optional If specified to 'true', this API will return all products including those inappropriate products that were rejected during review. |
warehouse_name | optional The product information will be for this warehouse. If not specified, the default warehouse product information is returned. |
Returns the 'job_id' of your Product download. Check the status of your download via
or cancel your download via
Example #1
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want to download all of your Products:
Example Request
Example #2
Suppose you want to download a batch of Products with the following constraints:
- since = 2016-07-01
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $since = '2016-07-01'; $client->productCreateDownloadJob('098765432112345678901234',$since);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $since = urlencode('2016-07-01'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/create-download-job?access_token=%s&since=%s", $access_token, $since); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'job_id': "57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01"}, 'message': '' }
Get the Status of Your Batch Product Download
Call this to get a progress update for your batch Product download.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/get-download-job-status
job_id | The unique identifier you received from starting your batch Product download ( /product/create-download-job ) |
The API returns the current progress of the batch Product download you started with that 'job_id'.
If the CSV file is ready, a 'download_link' will be provided in the response. The link will expire 72 hours after the download becomes ready.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . Suppose you want to check the progress of your batch Product download with job_id "57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01":
- job_id = 57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $job_id = '57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'; $client->productGetDownloadJobStatus('098765432112345678901234',$job_id);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/change-shipping?access_token=%s&job_id=%s", $access_token, $job_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': { "status": "PENDING", "created_date": "2016-08-18 02:40:25.238000" }, 'message': '' }
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': { "status": "FINISHED", "total_count": 20553, "processed_count": 20553, "download_link": "https://merchant.wish.com/static/sweeper-production-merchant-export/52f64e7aab980a038d62d61e-57bce38526778a33b3f8c375-2016-08-16-19:27:01.csv", "created_date": "2016-08-18 02:40:25.238000", "start_run_time": "2016-08-18 03:12:07.135000", "end_run_time": "2016-08-18 02:49:28.798000", }, 'message': '' }
Cancel Your Batch Product Download
Call this to cancel a batch Product download that is pending or running.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/cancel-download-job
job_id | The unique identifier you received from starting your batch Product download ( /product/create-download-job ) |
The API will cancel your download and return a success message if your download is pending or currently running. If your CSV file is already ready or the download has already been cancelled, the API will provide you with an appropriate message accordingly.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . Suppose you want to cancel your batch Product download with job_id = "57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01":
- job_id = 57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $job_id = '57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'; $client->productCancelDownloadJob('098765432112345678901234',$job_id);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('57bb5803ba2a1f181de31b01'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/product/cancel-download-job?access_token=%s&job_id=%s", $access_token, $job_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'message': 'Job cancelled successfully.'}, 'message': '' }
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'message': 'Job has already finished.'}, 'message': '' }
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'message': 'Job has already been cancelled.'}, 'message': '' }
Product Variation
The product variation entity represents a SKU that is for sale. It has a price, shipping and possibly a size or color. Each product variation belongs to one product and each product has at least one product variation. A user always buys a product variation, and each SKU in your system will map to one product variation in Wish.

With this API you can create and update product variations. You can also retrieve details about specific product variations or page through all your product variations.
Attributesid | The Wish Id of the product variation, a string of 24 characters |
Product id | The Wish Id of the product this product variation belongs to, a 24 character string |
sku | The unique identifier that your system uses to recognize this variant |
color | Wish's unique color identifier stored for the variant |
color_name | The human readable name of the color shown to customers when purchasing the variant |
size | The size of the variation |
inventory | The physical quantities you have for this variation, max 500,000 |
price | The price of the variation when the user purchases one. The price value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_price instead. |
localized_price | The price of the variation when the user purchases one. In your localized currency. |
shipping | The shipping of the variation when the user purchases one. The shipping value will be returned as 999999 if you receive payments in a non-USD currency. Please use localized_shipping instead. |
localized_shipping | The shipping of the variation when the user purchases one. In your localized currency. |
localized_currency_code | Your localized currency code. |
msrp | Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”). Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
enabled | Whether or not this product variation is enabled for purchase |
removed_by_wish | The product variation has been removed / disabled by Wish because they have violated our Wish Merchant policies. These variations cannot be re-enabled. |
shipping_time | (DEPRECATED/UNUSED) The amount of time it takes for the shipment to reach the buyer |
all_images | Url of all images of the product this product variation belongs to, separated by the character '|' |
main_image | The variant image which defaults to product.main_image if not set and will not be shown in the response of api/v2/product under Variant. |
quantity_value | optional The value of the total quantity of the variant in the given unit. |
Create a Product Variation
To add a new variation to a product you can create a product variation. For example, a product has sizes Large and Extra-Large and you wanted to add size Medium, you would create a new product variation with this API. If the default shipping price is set, it will be used as the shipping price for the new variation. Otherwise, the highest active variation shipping price will be used. The number of variations of a product must not exceed 400.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/add
parent_sku | The parent_sku of the product this new product variation should be added to. If the product is missing a parent_sku, then this should be the SKU of a product variation of the product |
sku | The unique identifier that your system uses to recognize this variation |
color | optional The color of the variation. Example: red, blue, green. Note: color and size cannot both be empty. The color and size pair should not be repetitive. |
size | optional The size of the variation. Example: Large, Medium, Small, 5, 6, 7.5 Note: color and size cannot both be empty. The color and size pair should not be repetitive. |
inventory | The physical quantities you have for this variation, max 500,000 |
price | The price of the variation when the user purchases one, max 100,000 |
localized_price | optional The price of the variation in the merchant's local currency. |
localized_currency_code | optional The merchant's localized currency code. This must be provided in order to set localized pricing fields. |
msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”). Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
localized_msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”) in the merchant's local currency. Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
shipping_time | optional (DEPRECATED/UNUSED) The amount of time it takes for the shipment to reach the buyer. Please also factor in the time it will take to fulfill and ship the item. Provide a time range in number of days. Lower bound cannot be less than 2 days. Example: 15-20 |
main_image | optional URL of a photo for this product variation. Provide this when you have different pictures for different variations of the product. If left out, the variation will use the main_image of the product with the provided parent_sku. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. We accept JPEG, PNG or GIF format. Images should be at least 100 x 100 pixels in size. It may take up to 1 hour for the image to be updated. |
length |
optional The length of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
width |
optional The width of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
height |
optional The height of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
weight |
optional The weight of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in g)
declared_name |
optional Product name for logistics declaration
declared_local_name |
optional Product name written in local language for logistics declaration
pieces |
optional The amount of pieces associated with this item
declared_value |
optional The price of your product that will be declared to custom.
hscode |
optional Harmonization System Code used for custom declaration.
origin_country |
optional country where product is manufactured. Country code should follow ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code. Example:CN, US
has_powder |
optional Whether product contains powder. Example: true, false.
has_liquid |
optional Whether product contains liquid. Example: true, false.
has_battery |
optional Whether product contains battery. Example: true, false.
has_metal |
optional Whether product contains metal. Example: true, false.
quantity_value | optional The total quantity of the product variant (in the given unit) that is used to calculate price per unit. Note that if a product has multiple product variants, you will need to set quantity values for each product variant. Learn More. |
If the request was successful and a Variant was added to the supplied Product, then the response will contain the variant created along with its Wish identifier.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have a product with a parent sku red-shoe and you would like to add a variant for the size 12, with sku red-shoe-12, your parameters would be:
- parent_sku = red-shoe
- sku = red-shoe-12
- inventory = 10
- price = 10
- localized_price = 60
- localized_currency_code = CNY
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- size = 12
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $product_var = array( 'parent_sku'=>'red-shoe', 'color'=>'red', 'condition'=>'NEW', 'sku'=>'red-shoe-12', 'inventory'=>10, 'size'=>12, 'price'=>10, 'shipping'=>3, 'localized_price'=>60, 'localized_shipping'=>18, $var = $client->createProductVariaiton($product_var); print_r($var);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $parent_sku = urlencode('red-shoe'); $sku = urlencode('red-shoe-12'); $inventory = urlencode('10'); $price = urlencode('10'); $shipping = urlencode('3'); $localized_price = urlencode('60'), $localized_shipping = urlencode('18'), $size = urlencode('12'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/add?access_token=%s&sku=%s&inventory=%s&price=%s&shipping=%s&localized_price=%s&localized_shipping=%s&size=%s&parent_sku=%s", $access_token, $sku, $inventory, $price, $shipping, $localized_cost, $localized_shipping_cost, $size, $parent_sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'Variant': {'enabled': 'True', 'id': '529e6c2cf94aaa0cfe02846f', 'inventory': '10', 'size': '12', 'sku': 'red-shoe-12', 'price': '10', 'shipping': '3', 'localized_price': '60', 'localized_shipping': '18' 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY' }} 'msg' : '', }
Retrieve a Product Variation
Retrieves the details of an existing product variation. Provide the SKU of the product variation and Wish will return details about the corresponding product variation.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant
sku | The unique identifier of the item in your system. |
warehouse_name | optional The warehouse from where the variant shipping and inventory are fetched. If not specified, default warehouse shipping and inventory are used. |
For successful requests the response will contain a Variant object in the requested format.
Notice: If normal shipping is not set for the variant, shipping column will be null
in JSON, and left blank in XML.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If your store has an item with sku "red-shoe-8" and you would like to know its state on with your request's parameters would be:
- sku = red-shoe-8
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $var = $client->getProductVariationBySKU('red-shoe-8'); print_r($var);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('red-shoe-8'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant?access_token=%s&sku=%s", $access_token, $sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'Variant': {'enabled': 'True', 'id': '51e0a2c61111a236cfffe3a2', 'product_id' : '51e0a2c61111axxxcfffeyyy', 'inventory': '10100', 'msrp': '21100.0', 'price': '100.0', 'shipping': '10.0', 'localized_price': '60', 'localized_shipping': '18', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'red-shoe-8'}}, 'message': ''}
Update a Product Variation
Updates the specified variation by updating the attributes of the parameters passed in the request. Any attribute not provided will be left unchanged.
This request can only update attributes specific to variations and cannot be used to update any attribute of a Product.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update
sku | The unique identifier for the variation you would like to update |
inventory | optional The physical quantities you have for this variation, max 500,000 |
price | optional The price of the variation when the user purchases one, max 100,000 |
localized_price | optional The price of the variation in the merchant's local currency. This is required for non-USD merchants. If updating price, the localized_price must be provided as well. |
localized_currency_code | optional The merchant's localized currency code. This must be provided in order to set localized pricing fields. |
enabled | optional True if the variation is for sale, False if you need to halt sales. |
size | optional The size of the variation. Example: Large, Medium, Small, 5, 6, 7.5 |
color | optional The color of the variation. Example: red, blue, green |
msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”). Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
localized_msrp | optional Listings include a field for a comparison or reference price (“MSRP Field”) in the merchant's local currency. Merchants are not required to provide a value for the MSRP Field. If Merchants choose to provide a value for the MSRP Field (a “Reference Price”), each Reference Price must comply with the Product Reference Price Policy. |
shipping_time | optional (DEPRECATED/UNUSED) The amount of time it takes for the shipment to reach the buyer. Please also factor in the time it will take to fulfill and ship the item. Provide a time range in number of days. Lower bound cannot be less than 2 days. Example: 5-10 |
main_image | optional URL of a photo for this product variation. Provide this when you have different pictures for different variations of the product. Link directly to the image, not the page where it is located. We accept JPEG, PNG or GIF format. Images should be at least 100 x 100 pixels in size. It may take up to 1 hour for the image to be updated. |
update_product_image | optional If True, the main_image you pass will be used to update the product's main image and the images of all other variations that use the product's main image. If False, only this variation's main image will be changed. Default to True if not supplied |
warehouse_name | optional The name of the warehouse on which the action will be performed. If the warehouse name is not provided, only the shipping price and inventory, if provided, will be applied to the STANDARD warehouse. The price, size, color, and MSRP are set to the product regardless of the warehouse. |
length |
optional The length of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
width |
optional The width of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
height |
optional The height of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in cm)
weight |
optional The weight of your product that will be packaged to ship to customer (Units in g)
declared_name |
optional Product name for logistics declaration
declared_local_name |
optional Product name written in local language for logistics declaration
pieces |
optional The amount of pieces associated with this item
declared_value |
optional The price of your product that will be declared to custom.
hscode |
optional Harmonization System Code used for custom declaration.
origin_country |
optional country where product is manufactured. Country code should follow ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code. Example:CN, US
has_powder |
optional Whether product contains powder. Example: true, false.
has_liquid |
optional Whether product contains liquid. Example: true, false.
has_battery |
optional Whether product contains battery. Example: true, false.
has_metal |
optional Whether product contains metal. Example: true, false.
quantity_value | optional The total quantity of the product variant (in the given unit) that is used to calculate price per unit. Note that if a product has multiple product variants, you will need to set quantity values for each product variant. Learn More. |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the SKU 'blue-shoe-11' and it has the wrong size and you need to update its price, shipping and inventory your parameters would be:
- sku = blue-shoe-11
- price = 10.11
- localized_price = 60
- localized_currency_code = CNY
- inventory = 1000
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Lets say you didn't need to update price, then you would omit this parameter from your request.
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $var = $client->getProductVariationBySKU('blue-shoe-11'); $var->inventory = 1000; $var->price = 10.11; $var->shipping = 10; $var->localized_price = 60; $var->localized_shipping = 60; $var->localized_currency_code = CNY $client->updateProductVariation($var);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $inventory = urlencode('1000'); $price = urlencode('10.11'); $shipping = urlencode('10.00'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update?access_token=%s&sku=%s&inventory=%s&price=%s&shipping=%s&localized_price=%s&localized_shipping=%s&localized_currency_code=%s", $access_token, $sku, $inventory, $price, $shipping, $localized_price, $localized_shipping, $localized_currency_code); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Change a Product Variation's SKU
Change a variation's unique identifier, the new identifier must also be unique within all SKUs of the merchant
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/change-sku
sku | The unique identifier for the variation you would like to change |
new_sku | The new unique identifier for the variation you would like to change to |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the SKU 'blue-shoe-11' and you would like to change it to 'blue-shoe-12' your parameters would be:
- sku = blue-shoe-11
- new_sku = blue-shoe-12
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->changeProductVariationSKU('blue-shoe-11', 'blue-shoe-12');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $new_sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-12'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/change-sku?access_token=%s&sku=%s&new_sku=%s", $access_token, $sku, $new_sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Enable a Product Variation
Enable a product variation. This marks the product variation available for sale.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/enable
sku | The unique identifier for the item you would like to update |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the SKU 'blue-shoe-11' and you want to enable it, your parameters would be:
- sku = blue-shoe-11
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->enableProductVariationBySKU('blue-shoe-11');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/enable?access_token=%s&sku=%s", $access_token, $sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Disable a Product Variation
Disable a product variation. This marks the product variation unavailable for sale.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/disable
sku | The unique identifier for the item you would like to update |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the SKU 'blue-shoe-11' and you want to disable it, your parameters would be:
- sku = blue-shoe-11
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->disableProductVariationBySKU('blue-shoe-11');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/disable?access_token=%s&sku=%s", $access_token, $sku); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Update Inventory
Update inventory for a product variation.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update-inventory
sku | The unique identifier for the item you would like to update |
inventory | The physical number of items you have, max 500,000 |
warehouse_name | The name of the warehouse on which the action will be performed. If the warehouse name is not provided, the inventory will be applied to the STANDARD warehouse. |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an item with the SKU 'blue-shoe-11' and you want to update the inventory to 100, your parameters would be:
- sku = blue-shoe-11
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- inventory = 100
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->updateProductInventoryBySKU('blue-shoe-11',100);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $sku = urlencode('blue-shoe-11'); $inventory = urlencode('100'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/update-inventory?access_token=%s&sku=%s&inventory=%s", $access_token, $sku, $inventory); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
List all Product Variations
Returns a list of all your product variations currently on the Wish platform. This API is useful to paginate through all the SKUs that you have uploaded to Wish. If the number of results is too large the full result set may require pagination.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/multi-get
start | optional An offset into the list of returned items. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | A limit on the number of products that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 500 items and the default is 50 |
warehouse_name | optional The warehouse from where the variants' shippings and inventories are fetched. If not specified, default warehouse variation shippings and inventories are used. |
For successful requests the response data will contain a list of product variation objects. If the response requires pagination the 'paging' field will contain the URL for the next page of results.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you would like to fetch information about all your items in groups of 2 and you would like to see the 10th group:
- start = 20
- limit = 2
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $variations = $client->getAllProductVariations(); echo "You have ".count($variations)." product variations!\n";
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $start = urlencode('20'); $limit = urlencode('2'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/multi-get?access_token=%s&start=%s&limit=%s", $access_token, $start, $limit); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
Example Response {'code': 0, 'data': [{'Variant': {'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5215451b31111f73ff2xxxxxx', 'product_id' : '51e0a2c61111axxxcfffeyyy', 'inventory': '1314', 'msrp': '150.0', 'price': '100.0', 'shipping': '21.0', 'localized_price': '600.0', 'localized_shipping': '126.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'MMM'}}, {'Variant': {'color': 'blue', 'enabled': 'True', 'id': '5214c1111c238837cdiiiiii', 'product_id' : '51e0a2c61111axxxcfffeyyy', 'inventory': '917', 'msrp': '100.0', 'price': '50.0', 'shipping': '9.81', 'localized_price': '300.0', 'localized_shipping': '60.0', 'localized_currency_code': 'CNY', 'sku': 'DD1111'}}], 'message': '', 'paging': {'next': 'https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/multi-get?start=22&limit=2&access_token=an_example_access_token', 'previous': 'https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/multi-get?start=18&limit=2&access_token=an_example_access_token'}}
Bulk Update Product Variations
Bulk update up to 100,000 existing product variations. You can use this API to update inventory, disable or enable product variations in a batch. This API is non-blocking, a job_id will be returned. Use Get Job Status of Variation Bulk Update to get the current status of the job. Once the job is completed, use the following APIs to get the results: Get Successfully Updated SKUs from Variation Bulk Update, Get Errors from Variation Bulk Update. Use Cancel Bulk Update Product Variations Job to cancel a running job.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/bulk-sku-update
updates | A json array of SKU objects. Each SKU object must have attribute sku as the unique identifier of a variation. Use the attribute inventory to update the inventory of a variation, and attribute enabled to enable or disable a variation. |
warehouse_name | The warehouse to apply the inventory updates to. If not provided, the inventory change will apply to the STANDARD warehouse. The enabled attributes above will be applied to all warehouses; this parameter will only impact inventory updates. |
A job_id will be returned if request is successful.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you would like to update the inventory of SKU "aaa" to 10, and disable SKU "bbb":
- updates=[{"sku":"aaa","inventory":10},{"sku":"bbb","enabled":false}]
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
Not supported in SDK yet.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $updates = urlencode('[{"sku":"aaa","inventory":10},{"sku":"bbb","enabled":false}]'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/bulk-sku-update?access_token=%s&updates=%s", $access_token, $updates); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
Example Response { "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "job_id": "59e15a939a64f71c5024a1e3" } }
Get Job Status of Variation Bulk Updates
Call this to get the current state and progress for your Product Variations bulk update.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-status
job_id | The unique identifier you received from bulk update production variations (/variant/bulk-sku-update) |
The status of the specified bulk update job and current number of processed items, as well as the number of successes and failures.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want to check the status of your bulk update for product variations with job_id "59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd":
- job_id = 59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
Not supported in SDK yet.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-status?access_token=%s&job_id=%s", $access_token, $job_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "status": 4, "state": "FINISHED", "merchant_id": "515a29092f533b2778a7f625", "success_count": 10 "end_time": 2017-10-17T05:48:21, "failure_count": 10, "start_time": "2017-10-17T05:46:51", "processed_count": 20, "results": { "successes": "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-successes?job_id=59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd" "failures": "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-failures?job_id=59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd" } "id": "59e5994b9a64f72cafea7730", "uploader_id": "5ae5923b9a64f72cab4a772a" } }
Get Successfully Updated SKUs from Variation Bulk Updates
Call this to get a list of all SKUs that were successfully updated from your Product Variations bulk update.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-successes
job_id | The unique identifier you received from bulk update production variations (/variant/bulk-sku-update) |
start | optional An offset into the list of returned items. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | optional A limit on the number of items that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 250 items and the default is 50 |
A list of successfully updated SKUs. If the response requires pagination the 'paging' field will contain the URL for the next page of results.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want to check the first 5 SKUs from your bulk update for product variations with job_id "59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd" that were updated successfully:
- job_id = 59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- limit = 5
Example Request
Not supported in SDK yet.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd'); $limit = urlencode('5'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-successes?access_token=%s&job_id=%s&limit=%s", $access_token, $job_id, $limit); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "successes": [ "SKU1", "SKU2", "SKU3", "SKU4", "SKU5" ] }, "paging": { "next": "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-successes?start=5&limit=5" } }
Get Errors from Variation Bulk Updates
Call this to get a list of all errors encountered from your Product Variations bulk update.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: products:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-failures
job_id | The unique identifier you received from bulk update production variations (/variant/bulk-sku-update) |
start | optional An offset into the list of returned items. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | optional A limit on the number of items that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 250 items and the default is 50 |
A list of errors. If the response requires pagination the 'paging' field will contain the URL for the next page of results.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want to check the first 3 errors that were raised from your bulk update for product variations with job_id "59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd":
- job_id = 59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- limit = 3
Example Request
Not supported in SDK yet.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd'); $limit = urlencode('3'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-failures?access_token=%s&job_id=%s&limit=%s", $access_token, $job_id, $limit); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "errors": [ { "sku": "fake_sku1", "error_code": 29, "error": "Your store does not have product with SKU 'fake_sku1', therefore no update can be done." }, { "sku": "fake_sku2", "error_code": 29, "error": "Your store does not have product with SKU 'fake_sku2', therefore no update can be done." }, { "sku": "fake_sku3", "error_code": 29, "error": "Your store does not have product with SKU 'fake_sku3', therefore no update can be done." } ] }, "paging": { "next": "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/get-bulk-update-job-failures?start=3&limit=3" } }
Cancel Bulk Product Variations Update Job
Call this to cancel a previously submitted bulk product variations update job. Note that the job may have partially completed and that cancelling the job does not undo any changes.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: products:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/cancel-bulk-update-job
job_id | The unique identifier you received from bulk update production variations (/variant/bulk-sku-update) |
Whether the job was successfully cancelled.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want to cancel your bulk update for product variations with job_id "59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd":
- job_id = 59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
Not supported in SDK yet.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $job_id = urlencode('59e00339b2d5b8367ac3e8bd'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/variant/cancel-bulk-update-job?access_token=%s&job_id=%s", $access_token, $job_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "message": "Job cancelled successfully.", } }
Interface for merchants to fulfill consumer orders.
Accepted Shipping Providers
This fetches all accepted shipping providers.
HTTP Request Type: GET
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-shipping-carriers
Response will contain an alphabetized list of all accepted shipping providers.
Here is the full list of accepted providers on Wish:
DPD Romania
Direct Freight Express
EMS (China)
Lotte Global Logistics
Panther Reference
SG Link Vietnam
SekoLogistics US
Slovenska Posta
Total Express
We World Express
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token":
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-shipping-carriers?access_token=%s", $access_token, $image); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{ "shipping_carriers":["4PX", "ABF", "AirpakExpress", "AnjunExpress", "Aramex", "AsendiaGermany", "AsendiaUK", "AsendiaUSA", "AuPostChina", "AustraliaPost", "AustrianPost", "AustrianPostRegistered", "BPost", "BPostInternational", "Belpost", "CNEExpress", "CanadaPost", "ChinaAirPost", "ColisPrive", "Colissimo", "CorreosDeEspana", "CorreosExpress", "CroatianPost", "DHL", "DHL2MannHandling", "DHLBenelux", "DHLGermany", "DHLGlobalMail", "DHLGlobalMailAsia", "DHLNetherlands", "DHLParcelNL", "DHLPoland", "DHLSpainDomestic", "DPD", "DPDFrance", "DPDGermany", "DPDIreland", "DPDPoland", "DPDUK", "DPEXChina", "DanmarkPost", "DeutschePost", "DirectLink", "ECFirstClass", "EMPSExpress", "EMS", "EPacket", "Envialia", "FedEx", "FedExApex", "FedExUK", "GLS", "GLSItaly", "GLSNetherlands", "GlobegisticsInc", "Hermes", "HermesGermany", "HongKongPost", "IndiaPost", "IndiaPostInternational", "IndonesiaPost", "IsraelPost", "ItalySDA", "JapanPost", "KoreaPost", "LandmarkGlobal", "LaoPost", "LaPosteColissimo", "LithuaniaPost", "MagyarPosta", "MalaysiaPost", "MalaysiaPostPosDaftar", "NewZealandPost", "Nexive", "OnTrac", "OneWorldExpress", "ParcelForce", "PTTPosta", "PocztaPolska", "PosteItaliane", "PostNL", "PostNLInternational", "PostNLInternational3S", "RoyalMail", "RussianPost", "SFExpress", "SimplyPost", "SingaporePost", "SingaporeSpeedpost", "SwedenPosten", "SwissPost", "TNT", "TNTAustralia", "TNTClickItaly", "TNTFrance", "TNTItaly", "TNTPostItaly", "TNTUK", "TaiwanPost", "ThailandThaiPost", "TollIPEC", "TollPriority", "TrakPak", "TransMission", "TurkishPost", "UBISmartParcel", "DHLParcelUK", "UPS", "UPSFreight", "UPSMailInnovations", "USPS", "VietnamPostEMS", "WeDoLogisitics", "WishPost", "YODEL", "YodelInternational", "YRC", "YunExpress" ] } }
Get Countries that Require Confirmed Delivery
Get a list of country codes for countries that require Confirmed Delivery for the Confirmed Delivery Policy.
For more information about the Confirmed Delivery Policy, click here.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: orders:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-confirmed-delivery-countries
Parameters None
Returns a list of country codes for countries that require Confirmed Delivery.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want a list of shipping carriers that provide Delivery Confirmation to the US:
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->orderGetConfirmedDeliveryCountries('098765432112345678901234');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-confirmed-delivery-countries?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'message': '', 'code': 0, 'data': { 'countries' : [ 'FR', 'DE', 'GB', 'US' ] } }
Get Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carriers For Country
Get a list of Shipping Carriers that provide tracking with Delivery Confirmation to a specified country.
For a full list of these Shipping Carriers, click here.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: orders:read
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-confirmed-delivery-shipping-carriers-for-country
country_code | The 2-letter country code you want to ship to. For a full list of these country codes, click here. |
Returns a list of shipping carriers, as well as a link describing additional requriements for specific carriers, which you will need when fulfilling orders on Wish that require Delivery Confirmation.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Suppose you want a list of shipping carriers that provide Delivery Confirmation to the US:
- country_code = US
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $country_code = 'US' $client->orderGetConfirmedDeliveryShippingCarriersForCountry('098765432112345678901234',$country_code);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $country_code = urlencode('US'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fulfillment/get-confirmed-delivery-shipping-carriers-for-country?access_token=%s&country_code=%s", $access_token, $country_code); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'message': '', 'code': 0, 'data': { 'carriers': [ 'USPS', 'WishPost', 'EMS (China)', 'AsendiaUSA', 'BRTBartolini', 'DPD', 'DPEXChina', 'EMPSExpress', 'EPacket', 'FedEx', 'GLS', 'Hermes', 'SFExpress', 'TNT', 'TollIPEC', 'UPS', 'XPO', 'YODEL'], 'extra_info': { 'WishPost': 'https://merchant.wish.com/documentation/v2/qualifiedcarriers' } } }
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': { 'carriers': [], 'extra_info': {} }, 'message': '' }
The Warehouse object represents separate Warehouses and shipping options you provide. With this API, you can fetch a list of your warehouses.
Attributesid | Wish's unique identifier for the warehouse |
warehouse_unit_id | The human readable ID for the warehouse, this is the ID to use for other API calls |
destination_countries | The list of destination country codes the Warehouse ships to, this field is currently only provided for Wish Express warehouses and only supports one country per Warehouse. |
warehouse_type | The type of shipping the Warehouse provides, 1 for Standard Shipping, 2 for Wish Express |
warehouse_type_name | Human readable string for the type of shipping the Warehouse provides |
Get all Warehouses
Retrieves a list of all of your warehouses.
HTTP Request Type: GET
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/warehouse/get-all
Returns your list of Warehouses objects.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" .
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $warehouses = $client->getAllWarehouses(); print_r($warehouses);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/warehouse/get-all?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": [ { "MerchantWarehouse": { "warehouse_type_name": "EXPRESS", "destination_countries": [ "US" ], "warehouse_type": "2", "id": "59e6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "warehouse_unit_id": "EXPRESS-US" } }, { "MerchantWarehouse": { "warehouse_type_name": "STANDARD", "warehouse_type": "1", "id": "59e6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "warehouse_unit_id": "STANDARD" } } ] }
For each consumer question or complaint, a ticket is created to manage the dialogue between you, Wish, and the consumer.

With this API, you can fetch tickets awaiting your response, fetch a specific ticket, close a ticket, and reply to tickets.
Attributesid | Wish's unique identifier for the ticket |
transaction_id | The transaction the ticket is related to. Each ticket relates to at most one transaction |
merchant_id | The merchant the ticket is for |
buyer_info | The information of the user who created the ticket |
subject | The subject for the ticket |
state | The state of the ticket can be: "Awaiting your response", "Awaiting buyer response", and "Awaiting store response" |
label | Wish's label for the ticket |
sublabel | Wish's sublabel for the ticket |
default_refund_reason | The default reason the order will be refunded for, depends on the label of the ticket |
photo_proof | Whether the user has provided a photo |
open_date (UTC) | The date the ticket was created |
last_update_date (UTC) | The time that the ticket was last updated at |
close_date (UTC) | The date the ticket was closed (if applicable) |
closed_by | Who closed the ticket, can be: user, merchant, wish support, wish automated support |
items | A list of all items affected by the ticket, each item is an Order object |
products | A list of all products affected by the ticket, each product is an Product object |
replies | A list of all replies to the ticket |
id | Wish's indentifier of the user |
name | The name of the user |
joined_date | The date the user joined wish |
locale | The language preference of the user |
date | When the reply was sent |
message | Contents of the reply |
sender | Who sent the reply, can be: user, merchant, wish support, wish automated support |
image_urls | Urls of the images provided in the reply |
translated_message | An automatic translation to English |
translated_message_zh | An automatic translation to Chinese |
Retrieve a Ticket
Retrieves the details of an existing ticket. Supply the unique identifier for the ticket and if one exists this API will return the corresponding ticket.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: tickets:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket
id | Wish's unique identifier for the ticket (id in the Ticket object) |
If there exists an ticket with the id provided for your account then the API returns a ticket object in the response.
If the ticket contains replies with images, the Reply object (inside the Ticket object) will contain a link to its attached image that expires in 60 minutes.
Users can get an updated image link everytime they call the API.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have an ticket with id "123456789009876543210164" and you would like to retrieve any updates to it:
- id = 123456789009876543210164
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $ticket = $client->getTicketById('123456789009876543210164'); print_r($ticket);
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789009876543210164'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': {'Ticket': {'UserInfo': {'id': '123456789012345678901234', 'joined_date': '2012-02-02T11:22:21', 'locale': 'en', 'name': 'George Forman'}, 'close_date': '2015-03-08T22:31:02', 'closed_by': 'wish support', 'id': '123456789012345678901234', 'items': [{'Order': {'ShippingDetail': {'city': '', 'country': 'US', 'name': 'George Forman', 'phone_number': '123456', 'state': 'California', 'street_address1': '123 Fake St', 'zipcode': '11111'}, 'cost': '6.69', 'currency_code': 'USD', 'last_updated': '2011-03-08T22:31:02', 'order_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'order_time': '2015-02-20T02:55:27', 'released_to_merchant_time': '2015-02-20T03:55:27', 'order_total': '9.39', 'price': '6.4', 'product_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'product_image_url': 'https://google.com/not-a-image', 'product_name': 'A product', 'quantity': '1', 'refunded_by': 'REFUNDED BY WISH FOR MERCHANT', 'refunded_reason': 'Item did not work as described', 'refunded_time': '2015-03-18', 'shipped_date': '2015-02-20', 'shipping': '3.0', 'shipping_cost': '2.7', 'pay_customer_vat_required': 'False', 'shipping_provider': 'USPS', 'sk': 'SKU123', 'state': 'REFUNDED', 'tracking_number': 'TR1234ACK', 'transaction_id': '1223456789012345678901234', 'variant_id': '123456789012345678901234'}}], 'label': 'Return or Exchange', 'last_update_date': '2015-02-09T12:13:43', 'merchant_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'open_date': '2015-03-06T21:23:01', 'photo_proof': 'True', 'replies': [{'Reply': {'date': '2015-03-06T21:23:01', 'image_urls': "['https://fake-url']", 'message': "Where is my product?", 'sender': 'user', 'translated_message': "Where is my product?", 'translated_message_zh': '哪里是我的产品?'}}] 'state': 'Awaiting your response', 'state_id': '1', 'subject': 'Return or Exchange', 'sublabel': '', 'transaction_id': '123456789012345678901234'}}, 'message': ''}
List all Tickets Awaiting You
Returns a list of all your open tickets currently on the Wish platform awaiting your response. If you have a high number of tickets the response will be paginated. The response will contain the URL for fetching the next page of tickets, as well as the previous page.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: tickets:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/get-action-required
start | optional An offset into the list of returned tickets. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | optional A limit on the number of tickets that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 500 items and the default is 50 |
ticket_type |
Parameter used to choose which type of tickets to retrieve. Choices of ticket_types are: post_purchase_tickets, post_customer_support_questions, pre_purchase_questions. Default to post_purchase_tickets if not supplied. |
Response will contain a list of ticket objects as well as a 'paging' field with paging options if needed.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you would like to view your tickets in groups of 2 and you would like to see the 10th group your parameters would be:
- start = 20
- limit = 2
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $tickets = $client->getAllActionRequiredTickets(); echo "You have ".count($tickets)." tickets!\n";
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $start = urlencode('20'); $limit = urlencode('2'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/get-action-required?access_token=%s&limit=%s&start=%s", $access_token, $limit, $start); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{'code': 0, 'data': [{'Ticket': {'UserInfo': {'id': '54f8e4ef2743dxxxxxxxxxxx', 'joined_date': '2014-03-05T13:21:19', 'locale': 'pt', 'name': 'Mr. Rogers'}, 'default_refund_reason': '19', 'id': '54f8ecd2f0812xxxxxxxxxx', 'items': [{'Order': {'ShippingDetail': {'city': 'San Fransicso', 'country': 'BR', 'name': 'Mr. Rogers', 'phone_number': '1234567890', 'state': 'S\xe3o Paulo', 'street_address1': '123 Fake St', 'street_address2': 'Apt 5', 'zipcode': '10000000'}, 'color': 'black', 'cost': '16.2', 'currency_code': 'USD', 'last_updated': '2014-03-06T07:37:16', 'order_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'order_time': '2015-03-05T23:40:53', 'released_to_merchant_time': '2015-03-05T23:45:53', 'order_total': '22.5', 'price': '18.0', 'product_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'product_image_url': 'http://canary.contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/123456789012345678901234-normal.jpg', 'product_name': 'Cloth', 'quantity': '1', 'refunded_by': 'CANCELLED BY CUSTOMER', 'refunded_reason': 'Customer cancelled the order', 'refunded_time': '2015-03-05', 'shipping': '7.0', 'shipping_cost': '6.3', 'pay_customer_vat_required': 'False', 'size': 'M', 'sk': 'SKU123-XL', 'state': 'REFUNDED', 'transaction_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'variant_id': '5285bd3fb5baba7*********'}}], 'label': 'Request Refund/Cancel Order: Request a Different Color', 'last_update_date': '2015-03-09T12:13:57', 'merchant_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'open_date': '2015-03-05T23:54:58', 'photo_proof': 'False', 'replies': [{'Reply': {'date': '2015-03-05T23:54:58', 'image_urls': '[]', 'message': 'Quero meu reembolso ', 'sender': 'user', 'translated_message': 'I want my refund', 'translated_message_zh': '我希望我的退款'}}], 'state': 'Awaiting your response', 'state_id': '4', 'subject': 'Solicitar Reembolso/ Cancelar Pedido', 'sublabel': 'Request a Different Color', 'transaction_id': '123456789012345678901234'}}, {'Ticket': {'UserInfo': {'id': '123456789012345678901234', 'joined_date': '2011-12-12T05:22:52', 'locale': 'en', 'name': 'George Bush'}, 'id': '123456789012345678901234', 'items': [{'Order': {'ShippingDetail': {'city': 'Waterloo', 'country': 'CA', 'name': 'George Bush', 'phone_number': '1123-123-1234', 'state': 'Ontario', 'street_address1': 'Fake St', 'zipcode': 'A0A 0A0'}, 'cost': '4.6', 'currency_code': 'USD', 'last_updated': '2015-03-09T10:23:13', 'order_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'order_time': '2012-12-12T06:40:12', 'released_to_merchant_time': '2012-12-12T07:40:12', 'order_total': '29.2', 'price': '5.11', 'product_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'product_image_url': 'http://canary.contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/5253fd0b1xxxxxxxxxxx-normal.jpg', 'product_name': 'Automatic Car', 'quantity': '4', 'shipped_date': '2011-12-12', 'shipping': '3.0', 'shipping_cost': '2.7', 'pay_customer_vat_required': 'False', 'shipping_provider': 'SwissPost', 'sk': 'SKU123', 'state': 'SHIPPED', 'tracking_number': 'TR1ACK', 'transaction_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'variant_id': '123456789012345678901234'}}], 'label': 'Shipping Status or ETA Inquiry', 'last_update_date': '2015-03-09T11:02:28', 'merchant_id': '123456789012345678901234', 'open_date': '2012-03-09T04:11:00', 'photo_proof': 'False', 'replies': [{'Reply': {'date': '2015-03-09T04:57:33', 'image_urls': '[]', 'message': 'I did not yet receive this item and it is know march 8 2015 it was estimated that it would be here Jan 2 2015 and it has not arrived ', 'sender': 'user', 'translated_message': 'I did not yet receive this item and it is know march 8 2015 it was estimated that it would be here Jan 2 2015 and it has not arrived ', 'translated_message_zh': '我还不接受这个项目,这是了解2015年3月8日,据估计,这将是这里2015年1月2日,也没有到达'}}, {'Reply': {'date': '2015-03-09T10:23:12', 'image_urls': '[]', 'message': "Hello,friend\n\nSorry for caused you any troubles \n\nWe got the sad news from our shipping agent that your parcel may be lost due to the long time no information online. \n\nPlease don't worry, we won't let our customer lost their money, would you like us to sent your a new parcel for your order to your address:\n\nDain Steiner\nbox 203\nTeslin, Yukon, Y0A 1B0\nCanada\n\nOr you perfer a full refund for this order? Your reply will be highly appreciated, have a nice day :)\n\nRegards\nScreamprice Service Team", 'sender': 'merchant'}}, {'Reply': {'date': '2015-03-09T11:02:28', 'image_urls': '[]', 'message': 'Please send me a new parcel thank yo', 'sender': 'user', 'translated_message': 'Please send me a new parcel thank yo', 'translated_message_zh': '请给我一个新的包裹谢谢'}}], 'state': 'Awaiting your response', 'state_id': '4', 'subject': 'Where is my order?', 'sublabel': '', 'transaction_id': '548a8de6baa0830ffxxxxxxx'}}], 'message': '', 'paging': {'next': 'https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/get-action-required?start=2&limit=2&access_token=an_example_access_token'}}
id | Wish's unique identifier for the announcement |
title | The title of the announcement |
message | The message content of the announcement |
perma_link | The permanent link to the announcement |
Fetch Account Manager Announcements
Returns the most recent announcement that your Account Manager sends you about existing features, merchant training opportunities, merchant meetup events, items that need your attention, and more.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: notifications:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fetch-bd-announcement
Response will contain a GetBDAnnouncementResponse object
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" and if you would like to fetch the announcement
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getBDAnnouncemtns();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fetch-bd-announcement?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'message': '', 'code': 0, 'data': { 'GetBDAnnouncementResponse': { 'title': '关于下调XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'created': 'Apr 01, 2016', 'bd_id': '55781a50d29XXXXXXXXXX', 'bd_name': 'TraXX XXXX', 'message': '感谢大家XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'viewed': 'False' } } }
Fetch System Updates
Returns all System Updates from Wish (located here on Merchant Dashboard). System updates are announcements about new features, policies, and programs Wish rolls out to merchants.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: notifications:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti
Response will contain a list of SystemUpdatesResponse
objects which contains the details of each update. Each
field in the SystemUpdatesResponse object is explained in
the following table:
title | string The title of the system update (in English) |
body | string The body of the message (in English) |
link | string The associated URL link for more information (in English) |
cn_title | string The title of the system update (in Chinese) |
cn_body | string The body of the message (in Chinese) |
cn_link | string The associated URL link for more information (in Chinese) |
categories | array List of categories that the system update is tagged with (up to three). Category values may be: ACCOUNT_SETTINGS, API, INSIGHTS, IP, LOCAL_CURRENCY, LOGISTICS, LOGISTICS_PRICING, ORDERS, PAYMENTS, POLICIES_AND_TERMS, PRODUCTS, SHIPPING_CARRIERS, TAX. |
program | string Name of the program that the system update is referring to. Note: ‘None’ means that there is no program associated with this system-update. |
important | boolean This value is True when the announcement requires merchant to take action before or after a specific date deadline and/or when there is an API update. |
cta_text | string The specific Call To Action (action required) for the announcement (in English). |
cta_text_cn | string The specific Call To Action (action required) for the announcement (in Chinese). |
cta_effective_date | string The date and time related to the specific Call To Action (action required) for the announcement. This value is in UTC timezone. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" and if you would like to get the system update
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getSystemUpdatesNotifications();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'message': '', 'code': 0, 'data': [{ 'SystemUpdatesResponse': { 'release_date': 'Thursday May 19, 2016', 'id': '573e46218db5d1487ee4bdd8', 'features': [{ 'Feature': { 'cn_title': '关于更新每个产品国际运费的新功能', 'body': 'We are very excited to announce that you can set international shipping prices per product now. No matter what sizes and weights your products are or what countries you are shipping to, you can always set shipping prices accordingly. You can start with changing overall default shipping prices on shipping settings page. Next step is to update per product shipping prices for specific countries by updating manually or a CSV file.\n\nFor a step to step guide, please visit our FAQ page for more information:', 'title': 'New Feature About Updating International Shipping Prices Per Product', 'link': 'https://merchantfaq.wish.com/hc/en-us/articles/218812008', 'cn_body': '尊敬的商户,我们非常荣幸的通知您,您现在可以给每个产品针对不同国家来设置不同运费了。无论您的产品是什么尺寸和重量或者要寄往哪些国家,您总可以根据不同的产品设定邮费。操作方法如下,您可以先使用配送设置页面来设置每个国家的默认运费,再去产品一览页面根据不同的国家更改每个产品的运费,可以手动修改或者上传CSV文件。 如果您想要获取更多信息和具体操作步骤,请访问常见问题:', 'cn_link': 'https://merchantfaq.wish.com/hc/zh-cn/articles/218812008', 'categories': ['LOGISTICS_PRICING', 'ORDERS', 'PRODUCTS'], 'program': 'ADVANCED_LOGISTICS', 'important': 'False', 'cta_text_en': '', 'cta_text_cn': '', 'cta_effective_date': '' } }] } }, { 'SystemUpdatesResponse': { 'release_date': 'Wednesday, December 11 2019', 'id': '55bfae216daddd41f93512ce', 'features': [{ 'Feature': { 'cn_title': '针对2020年1月中旬至2月初消费者对更快速发货的Wish产品需求的增加,请商户们及时准备充足的Wish Express库存', 'body': 'Based on historical data analysis, Wish products that offer fast-shipping options such as those with Wish Express enabled will likely experience an increased demand from customers between mid January and early February, 2020.\n\nIn anticipation of this potentially increased demand and sales for Wish Express products overall, Wish Express merchants are strongly encouraged to prepare for sufficient inventory now. Please plan for the inventory to arrive at your Wish Express warehouses by January 10, 2020.\n\nTo add more products to your Wish Express warehouse(s) now, please visit the link below:', 'title': 'Prepare sufficient Wish Express inventory in anticipation of increased demand for faster shipping Wish products mid January to early February 2020', 'link': 'https://merchant.wish.com/products/add', 'cn_body': '根据历史数据分析,提供快速配送选择的Wish产品(如启用Wish Express的产品)可能在2020年1月中旬至2月初期间会经历消费者需求增加的情况。\n\n由于预计在此期间Wish Express产品的消费者需求和销售整体上可能会增加,我们强烈鼓励Wish Express商户们现在就准备充足的库存。请为您的库存计划在2020年1月10日前到达您的Wish Express仓库。\n\n若需立即向您的Wish Express仓库添加更多产品,请访问以下链接:', 'cn_link': 'https://merchant.wish.com/products/add', 'categories': ['LOGISTICS', 'PRODUCTS'], 'program': 'None', 'important': True, 'cta_text_en': 'Please plan for your Wish Express inventory to arrive at Wish Express warehouses by January 10, 2020', 'cta_text_cn': '请为您的Wish Express库存计划在2020年1月10日前到达Wish Express仓库。', 'cta_effective_date': 'January 10, 2020 12:00 PM UTC' } }] } }] }
id | Wish's unique identifier for the notification |
title | The title of the notification |
message | The message content of the notification |
perma_link | The permanent link to the notification |
Fetch Notifications
Returns a list of all unviewed notifications (located
on Merchant Dashboard). Notifications are general messages
Wish sends you about various updates, such as announcements,
policy warnings, payments, new refunds, new infractions,
and more.
If there is a large number of unviewed notifications in your
account, the response will be
paginated. The response will contain the URL for fetching
the next page of notifications, as well as the previous
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: notifications:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/fetch-unviewed
start | optional An offset into the list of returned notifications. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | optional A limit on the number of notifications that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 500 items and the default is 50 |
Response will contain a list of GetNotiResponse objects as well as a 'paging' field with paging options if needed.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you would like to view your notifications in groups of 2 and you would like to see the 10th group your parameters would be:
- start = 20
- limit = 2
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $notifications = $client->getAllNotifications(); echo $notifications;
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $start = urlencode('20'); $limit = urlencode('2'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/fetch-unviewed?access_token=%s&limit=%s&start=%s", $access_token, $limit, $start); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{"message":"","code":0,"data":[ {"GetNotiResponse":{ "perma_link":"http:\/\/merchant.wish.com\/release\/57180d6c49xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "message":"Sizing Chart XXXXX", "id":"571810da7exxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "title":"There is a new xxxxxxxxxx"}}, {"GetNotiResponse":{ "perma_link":"http:\/\/merchant.wish.com\/release\/57180d6c49xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "message":"Sizing Chart XXXXX", "id":"571812abf9xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "title":"There is a new xxxxxxxxxx"}}], "paging":{"next":"https:\/\/merchant.wish.com\/api\/v2\/noti\/fetch-unviewed?start=12","previous":"https:\/\/merchant.wish.com\/api\/v2\/noti\/fetch-unviewed?start=8"}}
Mark a notification as viewed
Marks a notification as viewed
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: notifications:write
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/mark-as-viewed
noti_id | Unique identifier for the notification |
If there exists an unviewed notification with the id provided for your notification then the API returns success
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you have a notification with id "123456789009876543210164" and you would like to mark is viewed.
- id = 123456789009876543210164
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->markNotificationAsViewed('98753984xxxxxxx');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $noti_id = urlencode('123456789009876543210164'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/mark-as-viewed?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $noti_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'success': True}, 'message': '' }
Get the unviewed notification count
Get the count of unviewed notification count
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: notifications:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/get-unviewed-count
Returns the count of the unviewed notifications
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" and if you would like to get the unviewed notification count
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getUnviewedNotiCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/noti/mark-as-viewed?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'count': 8}, 'message': '' }
Interface to check infractions
Infractions count
Get the count of infractions of different stages
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: infractions:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/count/infractions
stage | optional
One of 1, 2 or 3, default is 1:
Response will contain a CountInfractionsResponse object that has the count of infractions
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" and if you would like to get the count of the infractions that need the attention of the merchant
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/count/infractions?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'message': '', 'code': 0, 'data': { 'CountInfractionsResponse': { 'count': '156' } } }
Fetch infractions
Fetch infraction links that need the attention of the merchant
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: infractions:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/get/infractions
start | optional An offset into the list of returned infractions. Use 0 to start at the beginning. The API will return the requested number of items starting at this offset. Default to 0 if not supplied |
limit | optional A limit on the number of infractions that can be returned. Limit can range from 1 to 500 items and the default is 50 |
stage | optional
One of 1, 2 or 3, default is 1:
since | optional A date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If a date or time is provided, only products updated since the given date or time will be fetched. Default is to fetch all. |
upto | optional A date/time string in the format YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If a date or time is provided, only products updated before the given date or time will be fetched. Default is to fetch all updated products until now. |
Response will contain a InfractionsResponse object that has a list of infraction objects which includes the information of that infraction
id | Unique identifier for the infraction |
link | The webpage link of the infraction |
created_time | The create time of the infraction |
last_updated | The last updated time of the infraction |
state | The current state of the infraction. The state may be 'NEW', 'AWAITING_MERCHANT', 'AWAITING_ADMIN' or 'CLOSED' |
reason | The infraction message |
fine_amount | The fine amount of the infraction |
fine_currency | The fine currency of the infraction |
proof | The proof list of the infraction, the 'proof_type' may be 'TICKET', 'ORDER', 'PRODUCT', 'MERCHANT', 'RATING', or 'VARIATION' |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" and if you would like to get the infractions that need the attention of the merchant
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionLinks();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/get/infractions?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "InfractionsResponse": { "infractions": [ { "Infraction": { "fine_amount": "10.0", "fine_currency": "USD", "reason": "Inappropriate content detected for product listing", "last_updated": "2018-06-01T23:15:57", "state": "AWAITING_MERCHANT", "created_time": "2018-05-12T05:07:59", "link": "https://merchant.wish.com/warning/view/5af67aaf2232612b29f6c5eb", "extra_reason": "Weapon", "id": "5af676af22326ssb29f6c5eb", "proof": [ { "InfractionProof": { "message": "Inappropriate content detected for product listing", "proof_type": "PRODUCT", "object_id": "5af4317fb9c68aa5f9f25022" } } ] } } ] } }, "paging": { "next": "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/get/infractions?access_token=xxx&start=50" } }
Close a Ticket
Close a order in the Wish system. Call this API if you answered all the users questions to their statisification.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: tickets:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/close
id | Wish's unique identifier for the ticket, or 'id' in the Ticket object |
If the ticket is not already closed, and the id is correct, the API will mark the ticket as closed and return a HTTP status code of 200, notifying the user if required.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you want to close the ticket with id "098765432112345678901234" because the order has been refunded.
- id = 098765432112345678901234
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->closeTicketById('098765432112345678901234');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('098765432112345678901234'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/close?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'success': True}, 'message': '' }
Appeal to Wish Support for Ticket
Appeal to wish support for a ticket. Call this if the user has questions you are unable to answer.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: tickets:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/appeal-to-wish-support
id | Wish's unique identifier for the ticket, or 'id' in the Ticket object |
If the ticket is not already awaiting a response from wish, and the id is correct, the API will mark the ticket as awaiting wish response and return a HTTP status code of 200.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you want wish to be aware of the ticket.
- id = 098765432112345678901234
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; use Wish\Model\WishReason; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->appealTicketById('098765432112345678901234');
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('098765432112345678901234'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/appeal-to-wish-support?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'success': True}, 'message': '' }
Re-open a Ticket
Re-open a ticket on the Wish platform. Call this API if something happens to make the ticket relevant again.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: tickets:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/re-open
id | Wish's unique identifier for the ticket, or 'id' in the Ticket object |
reply | The reason for re-opening the ticket, max of 2000 characters |
If the ticket is closed, and the id is correct, the API will mark the ticket as open and return a HTTP status code of 200, notifying the user if required.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token" . If you want to re-open the ticket with id "098765432112345678901234" because you have been notified delivery failed
- id = 098765432112345678901234
- reply = "some message"
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $client->reOpenTicketById('098765432112345678901234', "some message");
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('098765432112345678901234'); $reply = urlencode('some message'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/ticket/re-open?access_token=%s&id=%s&message=%s", $access_token, $id, $reply); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {'success': True}, 'message': '' }
Wish Returns Program
Interface to set up and modify information related to the Wish Returns Program.
Get all Return Warehouses
Get information related to all of your return warehouses.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: returns:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-all-warehouses
Response will contain a MerchantReturnWarehouse object that has the return warehouse name
and address, as well as the state of the address validation.
VALID_USER_ADDRESS | The address shown is valid, and it is the address you entered. |
VALID_SUGGESTED_ADDRESS | The address shown is valid, but it is an address we have suggested. |
VALIDATING | We are currently validating your address. |
INVALID | The address you have entered is invalid. Please edit the address using returns/edit-return-warehouse. |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token".
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-all-warehouses?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": [ { "MerchantReturnWarehouse": { "city": "Bentonville", "country": "US", "region": "US", "zipcode": "12345", "street_address1": "4123 Example Street", "email": "example@gmail.com", "state": "AR", "ship_to": "Example User", "warehouse_name": "Example Warehouse Name", "id": "59a024d19fbc5131da8917ed", "address_valid_state": "VALID USER ADDRESS" } } ] }
Get the Return Settings for a Product
Get the region(s) for which a product has been enabled for returns, as well as the Warehouse IDs for the associated return warehouses.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: returns:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-product-return-settings
id | The unique wish identifier of the product that you are trying to get return settings for. |
Contains the returns region, warehouse ID, and 'is_active' status.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token", and your product has id is "123456789013"
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- id = 123456789013
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $id = '123456789013'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789013'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-product-return-settings?access_token=%s&id=%s", $access_token, $id, ); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": [ { "ProductReturnSetting": { "region": "US", "is_active": "True", "warehouse_id": "123456987123" } } ] }
Enroll a Product in Returns Program
Enable returns for a product to a specified region (such as "EU", "MX", or "US"), based on the warehouse region. Requires the product to have dimensions information set. Note that you will only be able to enroll a product for a warehouse if the warehouse's address has been validated.
Note: Requires the product to have logistics information, see Set Product Logistics.
Note: Requires a return warehouse to exist in that region, see Create a Return Warehouse.
Note: The API limits calls to 500 per minute to ensure maximum function.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: returns:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/enroll-product-in-returns
id | The unique wish identifier of the product that you are trying to enroll in returns. |
region | The region (such as "MX", or "US") in which you want to enable returns for the product. |
warehouse_id | The unique wish identifier of the return warehouse. Can be found through /returns/get-all-warehouses under 'id'. |
If the request was successful, the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token", your warehouse id is "123456789012", your product has id is "123456789013" and your return warehouse has a region "US" Your parameters would be:
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- warehouse_id = 123456789012
- id = 123456789013
- region = "US"
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $warehouse_id = '123456789012'; $id = '123456789013'; $region = 'US'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $warehouse_id = urlencode('123456789012'); $id = urlencode('123456789013'); $region = urlencode('US'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/enroll-product-in-returns?access_token=%s&warehouse_id=%s&id=%s®ion=%s", $access_token, $warehouse_id, $id, $region ); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Get Product/Variation Dimensions
Get the dimensions (length, width, height, weight) of a specific product or product variation based on ID.
HTTP Request Type: GET
Scope: returns:read
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-product-variation-dimensions
id | The unique wish identifier of the product you are trying to get dimensions for. |
variation_id | Optional The unique wish identifier of the variation you are trying to get dimensions for. Can be found using /get-product-variation under 'id'. |
Response will contain a ProductVariationLogistics object that has length (cm), width (cm),
height (cm), and weight (g) of the product or variation.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token", the id of the product you are trying to modify is "123456789012" and the id of the variation of the product is "123456789013"
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- id = 123456789012
- variation_id = 123456789013
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $id = '123456789012'; $variation_id = '123456789013'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789012'); $variation_id = urlencode('123456789013'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/get-product-variation-dimensions?access_token=%s&id=%s&variation_id=%s", $access_token, $id, $variation_id); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "ProductVariationLogistics": { "width": "3.0", "length": "3.0", "id": "123456789012", "weight": "3.0", "variation_id": "123456789013", "height": "3.0" } } }
Set Product Logistics
Set the dimensions of a specific product or a variation based on ID.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: returns:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/set-product-logistics
id | The unique wish identifier of the product whose dimensions you are trying to set. |
variation_id | Optional The unique wish identifier of the variation whose dimensions you are trying to set. Can be found using /get-product-variation under 'id'. |
height | The height (cm) of the product/variation whose dimensions you are trying to set. |
length | The length (cm) of the product/variation whose dimensions you are trying to set. |
width | The width (cm) of the product/variation whose dimensions you are trying to set. |
weight | The weight (g) of the product/variation whose dimensions you are trying to set. |
If the request was successful, the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token", the id of the product you are trying to modify is "123456789012", the id of the variation of the product is "123456789013", and the height, length, width of your product are all 3cm, and the weight is 3g
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- id = 123456789012
- variation_id = 123456789013
- height = 3
- weight = 3
- length = 3
- width = 3
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $id = '123456789012'; $variation_id = '123456789013'; $height = '3'; $weight = '3'; $length = '3'; $width = '3'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789012'); $variation_id = urlencode('123456789013'); $height = urlencode('3'); $weight = urlencode('3'); $length = urlencode('3'); $width = urlencode('3'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/set-product-logistics?access_token=%s&id=%s&variation_id=%s&height=%s&weight=%s&length=%s&width=%s", $access_token, $id, $variation_id, $height, $weight, $length, $width); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": {} }
Create a Return Warehouse
Creates a new return warehouse. Note that we will validate the address. This may take several minutes. You will receive a 200 response if your address passes basic validation, such as formatting checks. To see the status of validation of your address, use returns/get-all-warehouses. You will not be able to enroll a product in returns for this warehouse until the address is validated.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: returns:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/create-return-warehouse
ship_to | The entity that return parcels should be addressed to. This should be a name that helps the carrier successfully identify the return warehouse and deliver return parcels. |
warehouse_name | The name of the return warehouse. |
region | The region (such as "EU", "MX", or "US") of the return warehouse. |
phone_number | Optional for US The phone number for the return warehouse. |
Optional for MX & US The email for the return warehouse. | |
city | The city in which of the return warehouse is located. |
state | The state in which of the return warehouse is located. |
country | The country in which of the return warehouse is located. Country code should follow ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code. Example: CN, US. |
zipcode | The zip code/postal code in which the return warehouse is located. |
street_address1 | The primary street address of the return warehouse. |
street_address2 | Optional The secondary street address of the return warehouse. |
Returns MerchantReturnWarehouse object with warehouse_id of the newly created warehouse.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Say you wanted to create a warehouse named "new_warehouse", for the "US" region, located at "20 Test Drive" in the city of "TestCity", the state of "TestState", and the country of "US", with a zipcode of "11111".
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- region = "US"
- street_address1 = "20 Test Drive"
- city = "TestCity"
- state = "TestState"
- country = "US"
- zipcode = "11111"
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $region = 'US'; $street_address1 = "20 Test Drive"; $city = "TestCity"; $state = "TestState"; $country = "US"; $zipcode = "11111"; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $region = urlencode('US'); $street_address1 = urlencode("20 Test Drive"); $city = urlencode("TestCity"); $state = urlencode("TestState"); $country = urlencode("US"); $zipcode = urlencode("11111"); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/create-return-warehouse?access_token=%s®ion=%s&street_address_1=%s&city=%s&state=%s&country=%s&zipcode=%s", $access_token, $region, $street_address1, $city, $state, $country, $zipcode ); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": { "MerchantReturnWarehouse": { "id": "5ceefbc88a259700d38a6b4d" } } }
Edit an Existing Return Warehouse
Edits the details for an existing return warehouse. Note that we will validate the address. This may take several minutes. You will receive a 200 response if your address passes basic validation, such as formatting checks. To see the status of validation of your address, use returns/get-all-warehouses. You will not be able to enroll a product in returns for this warehouse until the address is validated.
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: returns:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/edit-return-warehouse
warehouse_id | The unique wish identifier of the warehouse you are trying to edit. Can be found through /returns/get-all-warehouses under 'id'. |
warehouse_name | Optional The name of the return warehouse. |
ship_to | Optional The entity that return parcels should be addressed to. This should be a name that helps the carrier successfully identify the return warehouse and deliver return parcels. |
phone_number | Optional The phone number for the return warehouse. |
Optional The email for the return warehouse. | |
city | Optional The state in which the return warehouse is located. |
state | Optional The state of the warehouse that returns will be shipped to |
zipcode | Optional The zip code/postal code in which the return warehouse is located. |
street_address1 | Optional The primary street address of the return warehouse. |
street_address2 | Optional The secondary street address of the return warehouse. |
If the request was successful the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Say the id of the warehouse you want to edit is "123456789012" and you wanted to change the city to "TestCity"
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- warehouse_id = "123456789012"
- city = "TestCity"
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token'; $warehouse_id = '123456789012'; $city = "TestCity"; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $warehouse_id = urlencode('123456789012'); $city = urlencode("TestCity"); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/edit-return-warehouse?access_token=%s&warehouse_id=%s&city=%s", $access_token, $warehouse_id, $city ); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message": "", "code": 0, "data": {} }
Unenroll a Product from the Returns Program
Disables returns for a product for a specified region (such as "EU", "MX", or "US").
HTTP Request Type: POST
Scope: returns:write
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/disable-return-setting-for-region
id | The unique wish identifier of the product that you are trying to unenroll from returns. |
region | The region (such as "EU", "MX", or "US") for which you want to disable returns for the product. |
If the request was successful, the API will return an HTTP status code of 200 and a status code of 0.
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token", your product has id is "123456789013" and your return warehouse has a region "US" Your parameters would be:
- access_token = an_example_access_token
- id = 123456789013
- region = "US"
Example Request
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Wish\WishClient; $access_token = 'an_example_access_token';; $id = '123456789013'; $region = 'US'; $client = new WishClient($access_token,'prod'); $count = $client->getInfractionCount();
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $id = urlencode('123456789013'); $region = urlencode('US'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/returns/disable-return-setting-for-region?access_token=%s&id=%s®ion=%s", $access_token, $id, $region ); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ 'code': 0, 'data': {}, 'message': '' }
Upload a Temporary Image
This uploads an image to our servers.
The response will contain the URL of the image that was uploaded.
The image will be removed after 2 weeks.
The maximum size of the image is 5 MB.
HTTP Request Type: POST
POST https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/image
image | The image, in base64 encoded JPG format |
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". If you had an image with base64 encoding "ABCD1234abcd", your parameters would be:
- image = ABCD1234abcd
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
Note: The base 64 data for the image must be URL Encoded to be transmitted correctly.
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $image = urlencode('ABCD1234abcd'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/image?access_token=%s&image=%s", $access_token, $image); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{"url" : http://merchant.wish.com/static/tmp-uploads/12345678901234567890123456789012.jpg?v=e3456} }
Merchant Currency Code
This returns the merchant's localized currency code used in localized price updates. As well as the currency code that is currently used for payment.
localized_currency_code: The currency code you must provide to update any localized pricing fields for products and variations.
payment_currency_code: This is the currency code the merchant will be paid in for new transactions. If this is USD the merchant will be able to update USD prices in addition to the localized currency above.
product_boost_currency_code: The currency code for ProductBoost campaigns you create.
HTTP Request Type: GET
GET https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/get-currency-code
Assume your access token is "an_example_access_token". Your parameters would be:
- access_token = an_example_access_token
Example Request
<?php $access_token = urlencode('an_example_access_token'); $url = sprintf( "https://merchant.wish.com/api/v2/get-currency-code?access_token=%s", $access_token); $context = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'ignore_errors' => true, ), )); // Send the request $response = file_get_contents($url, TRUE, $context); echo $response; echo "\n"; ?>
Example Response
{ "message":"", "code":0, "data":{ "localized_currency_code": "CNY", "payment_currency_code": "USD", "product_boost_currency_code": "USD" } }
Shippable Countries
AD | Andorra |
AL | Albania |
AR | Argentina |
AT | Austria |
AU | Australia |
BA | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BE | Belgium |
BG | Bulgaria |
BR | Brazil |
CA | Canada |
CH | Switzerland |
CL | Chile |
CO | Colombia |
CR | Costa Rica |
CZ | Czech Republic |
DE | Germany |
DK | Denmark |
EE | Estonia |
ES | Spain |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GB | United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
GI | Gibraltar |
GR | Greece |
HR | Croatia |
HU | Hungary |
IE | Ireland |
IL | Israel |
IN | India |
IS | Iceland |
IT | Italy |
JP | Japan |
KR | South Korea |
LI | Liechtenstein |
LT | Lithuania |
LU | Luxembourg |
LV | Latvia |
MC | Monaco |
MD | Moldova |
ME | Montenegro |
MK | North Macedonia |
MT | Malta |
MX | Mexico |
NL | Netherlands |
NO | Norway |
NZ | New Zealand |
PE | Peru |
PL | Poland |
PR | Puerto Rico |
PT | Portugal |
RO | Romania |
RS | Serbia |
SE | Sweden |
SG | Singapore |
SI | Slovenia |
SK | Slovakia |
SM | San Marino |
UA | Ukraine |
US | United States |
VI | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
ZA | South Africa |
Customizable Regions
Standard warehouse
Region Code | Region Name | Country Code | Enabled by Default |
AU_ACT | Australian Capital Territory | AU | True |
AU_JBT | Jervis Bay Territory | AU | True |
AU_NSW | New South Wales | AU | True |
AU_NT | Northern Territory | AU | True |
AU_QLD | Queensland | AU | True |
AU_SA | South Australia | AU | True |
AU_TAS | Tasmania | AU | True |
AU_VIC | Victoria | AU | True |
AU_WA | Western Australia | AU | True |
BR_BAC | BA Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_BAI | BA Interior, SE, & Sede Recife | BR | True |
BR_MGC | MG Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_MGI | MG Interior | BR | True |
BR_PRC | PR Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_PRI | PR Interior, SC, & RS Interior | BR | True |
BR_RJC | RJ Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_RJI | RJ Interior & ES | BR | True |
BR_RSC | RS Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_SFB | Sede Fortaleza & Sede Brasilia | BR | True |
BR_SPC | SP Capital & Metro Area | BR | True |
BR_SPI | SP Interior | BR | True |
CA_AB | Alberta | CA | True |
CA_BC | British Columbia | CA | True |
CA_MB | Manitoba | CA | True |
CA_NB | New Brunswick | CA | True |
CA_NL | Newfoundland and Labrador | CA | True |
CA_NS | Nova Scotia | CA | True |
CA_NT | Northwest Territories | CA | True |
CA_NU | Nunavut | CA | True |
CA_ON | Ontario | CA | True |
CA_PE | Prince Edward Island | CA | True |
CA_QC | Quebec | CA | True |
CA_SK | Saskatchewan | CA | True |
CA_YT | Yukon | CA | True |
CL_AI | Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (11) | CL | True |
CL_AN | Antofagasta (2) | CL | True |
CL_AP | Arica y Parinacota (15) | CL | True |
CL_AR | La Araucanía (9) | CL | True |
CL_AT | Atacama (3) | CL | True |
CL_BI | Biobío (8) | CL | True |
CL_CO | Coquimbo (4) | CL | True |
CL_LI | Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (6) | CL | True |
CL_LL | Los Lagos (10) | CL | True |
CL_LR | Los Ríos (14) | CL | True |
CL_MA | Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (12) | CL | True |
CL_ML | Maule (7) | CL | True |
CL_NB | Ñuble (16) | CL | True |
CL_RM | Metropolitana de Santiago (13) | CL | True |
CL_TA | Tarapacá (1) | CL | True |
CL_VS | Valparaíso (5) | CL | True |
DK_014 | Bornholm | DK | True |
DK_042 | Samso | DK | True |
DK_FO | Faroe Islands | DK | True |
DK_GL | Greenland | DK | True |
ES_CN | Canary Islands | ES | True |
ES_IB | Balearic Islands | ES | True |
FR_20R | Corsica | FR | True |
FR_GF | French Guiana | FR | True |
FR_GP | Guadeloupe | FR | True |
FR_MF | Saint Martin | FR | True |
FR_MQ | Martinique | FR | True |
FR_NC | New Caledonia | FR | True |
FR_PF | French Polynesia | FR | True |
FR_PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | FR | True |
FR_RE | Reunion | FR | True |
FR_WF | Wallis and Futuna | FR | True |
FR_YT | Mayotte | FR | True |
MX_AGU | Aguascalientes | MX | True |
MX_BCN | Baja California | MX | True |
MX_BCS | Baja California Sur | MX | True |
MX_CAM | Campeche | MX | True |
MX_CHH | Chihuahua | MX | True |
MX_CHP | Chiapas | MX | True |
MX_COA | Coahuila | MX | True |
MX_COL | Colima | MX | True |
MX_DIF | Distrito Federal | MX | True |
MX_DUR | Durango | MX | True |
MX_GRO | Guerrero | MX | True |
MX_GUA | Guanajuato | MX | True |
MX_HID | Hidalgo | MX | True |
MX_JAL | Jalisco | MX | True |
MX_MEX | México | MX | True |
MX_MIC | Michoacán | MX | True |
MX_MOR | Morelos | MX | True |
MX_NAY | Nayarit | MX | True |
MX_NLE | Nuevo León | MX | True |
MX_OAX | Oaxaca | MX | True |
MX_PUE | Puebla | MX | True |
MX_QUE | Querétaro | MX | True |
MX_ROO | Quintana Roo | MX | True |
MX_SIN | Sinaloa | MX | True |
MX_SLP | San Luis Potosí | MX | True |
MX_SON | Sonora | MX | True |
MX_TAB | Tabasco | MX | True |
MX_TAM | Tamaulipas | MX | True |
MX_TLA | Tlaxcala | MX | True |
MX_VER | Veracruz | MX | True |
MX_YUC | Yucatán | MX | True |
MX_ZAC | Zacatecas | MX | True |
PT_20 | Azores | PT | True |
PT_30 | Madeira | PT | True |
US_AA | AA | US | True |
US_AE | AE | US | True |
US_AK | Alaska | US | True |
US_AL | Alabama | US | True |
US_AP | AP | US | True |
US_AR | Arkansas | US | True |
US_AS | American Samoa | US | True |
US_AZ | Arizona | US | True |
US_CA | California | US | True |
US_CO | Colorado | US | True |
US_CT | Connecticut | US | True |
US_DC | District of Columbia | US | True |
US_DE | Delaware | US | True |
US_FL | Florida | US | True |
US_GA | Georgia | US | True |
US_GU | Guam | US | True |
US_HI | Hawaii | US | True |
US_IA | Iowa | US | True |
US_ID | Idaho | US | True |
US_IL | Illinois | US | True |
US_IN | Indiana | US | True |
US_KS | Kansas | US | True |
US_KY | Kentucky | US | True |
US_LA | Louisiana | US | True |
US_MA | Massachusetts | US | True |
US_MD | Maryland | US | True |
US_ME | Maine | US | True |
US_MI | Michigan | US | True |
US_MN | Minnesota | US | True |
US_MO | Missouri | US | True |
US_MP | Northern Mariana Islands | US | True |
US_MS | Mississippi | US | True |
US_MT | Montana | US | True |
US_NC | North Carolina | US | True |
US_ND | North Dakota | US | True |
US_NE | Nebraska | US | True |
US_NH | New Hampshire | US | True |
US_NJ | New Jersey | US | True |
US_NM | New Mexico | US | True |
US_NV | Nevada | US | True |
US_NY | New York | US | True |
US_OH | Ohio | US | True |
US_OK | Oklahoma | US | True |
US_OR | Oregon | US | True |
US_PA | Pennsylvania | US | True |
US_RI | Rhode Island | US | True |
US_SC | South Carolina | US | True |
US_SD | South Dakota | US | True |
US_TN | Tennessee | US | True |
US_TX | Texas | US | True |
US_UT | Utah | US | True |
US_VA | Virginia | US | True |
US_VT | Vermont | US | True |
US_WA | Washington | US | True |
US_WI | Wisconsin | US | True |
US_WV | West Virginia | US | True |
US_WY | Wyoming | US | True |
Wish Express warehouse
Region Code | Region Name | Country Code | Enabled by Default |
AU_ACT | Australian Capital Territory | AU | False |
AU_JBT | Jervis Bay Territory | AU | False |
AU_NSW | New South Wales | AU | False |
AU_NT | Northern Territory | AU | False |
AU_QLD | Queensland | AU | False |
AU_SA | South Australia | AU | False |
AU_TAS | Tasmania | AU | False |
AU_VIC | Victoria | AU | False |
AU_WA | Western Australia | AU | False |
BR_BAC | BA Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_BAI | BA Interior, SE, & Sede Recife | BR | False |
BR_MGC | MG Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_MGI | MG Interior | BR | False |
BR_PRC | PR Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_PRI | PR Interior, SC, & RS Interior | BR | False |
BR_RJC | RJ Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_RJI | RJ Interior & ES | BR | False |
BR_RSC | RS Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_SFB | Sede Fortaleza & Sede Brasilia | BR | False |
BR_SPC | SP Capital & Metro Area | BR | False |
BR_SPI | SP Interior | BR | False |
CA_AB | Alberta | CA | False |
CA_BC | British Columbia | CA | False |
CA_MB | Manitoba | CA | False |
CA_NB | New Brunswick | CA | False |
CA_NL | Newfoundland and Labrador | CA | False |
CA_NS | Nova Scotia | CA | False |
CA_NT | Northwest Territories | CA | False |
CA_NU | Nunavut | CA | False |
CA_ON | Ontario | CA | False |
CA_PE | Prince Edward Island | CA | False |
CA_QC | Quebec | CA | False |
CA_SK | Saskatchewan | CA | False |
CA_YT | Yukon | CA | False |
CL_AI | Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (11) | CL | False |
CL_AN | Antofagasta (2) | CL | False |
CL_AP | Arica y Parinacota (15) | CL | False |
CL_AR | La Araucanía (9) | CL | False |
CL_AT | Atacama (3) | CL | False |
CL_BI | Biobío (8) | CL | False |
CL_CO | Coquimbo (4) | CL | False |
CL_LI | Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (6) | CL | False |
CL_LL | Los Lagos (10) | CL | False |
CL_LR | Los Ríos (14) | CL | False |
CL_MA | Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (12) | CL | False |
CL_ML | Maule (7) | CL | False |
CL_NB | Ñuble (16) | CL | False |
CL_RM | Metropolitana de Santiago (13) | CL | False |
CL_TA | Tarapacá (1) | CL | False |
CL_VS | Valparaíso (5) | CL | False |
DK_014 | Bornholm | DK | False |
DK_042 | Samso | DK | False |
DK_FO | Faroe Islands | DK | False |
DK_GL | Greenland | DK | True |
ES_CN | Canary Islands | ES | True |
ES_IB | Balearic Islands | ES | False |
FR_20R | Corsica | FR | False |
FR_GF | French Guiana | FR | True |
FR_GP | Guadeloupe | FR | True |
FR_MF | Saint Martin | FR | True |
FR_MQ | Martinique | FR | True |
FR_NC | New Caledonia | FR | True |
FR_PF | French Polynesia | FR | True |
FR_PM | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | FR | True |
FR_RE | Reunion | FR | True |
FR_WF | Wallis and Futuna | FR | True |
FR_YT | Mayotte | FR | True |
MX_AGU | Aguascalientes | MX | False |
MX_BCN | Baja California | MX | False |
MX_BCS | Baja California Sur | MX | False |
MX_CAM | Campeche | MX | False |
MX_CHH | Chihuahua | MX | False |
MX_CHP | Chiapas | MX | False |
MX_COA | Coahuila | MX | False |
MX_COL | Colima | MX | False |
MX_DIF | Distrito Federal | MX | False |
MX_DUR | Durango | MX | False |
MX_GRO | Guerrero | MX | False |
MX_GUA | Guanajuato | MX | False |
MX_HID | Hidalgo | MX | False |
MX_JAL | Jalisco | MX | False |
MX_MEX | México | MX | False |
MX_MIC | Michoacán | MX | False |
MX_MOR | Morelos | MX | False |
MX_NAY | Nayarit | MX | False |
MX_NLE | Nuevo León | MX | False |
MX_OAX | Oaxaca | MX | False |
MX_PUE | Puebla | MX | False |
MX_QUE | Querétaro | MX | False |
MX_ROO | Quintana Roo | MX | False |
MX_SIN | Sinaloa | MX | False |
MX_SLP | San Luis Potosí | MX | False |
MX_SON | Sonora | MX | False |
MX_TAB | Tabasco | MX | False |
MX_TAM | Tamaulipas | MX | False |
MX_TLA | Tlaxcala | MX | False |
MX_VER | Veracruz | MX | False |
MX_YUC | Yucatán | MX | False |
MX_ZAC | Zacatecas | MX | False |
PT_20 | Azores | PT | False |
PT_30 | Madeira | PT | False |
US_AA | AA | US | True |
US_AE | AE | US | True |
US_AK | Alaska | US | True |
US_AL | Alabama | US | False |
US_AP | AP | US | True |
US_AR | Arkansas | US | False |
US_AS | American Samoa | US | False |
US_AZ | Arizona | US | False |
US_CA | California | US | False |
US_CO | Colorado | US | False |
US_CT | Connecticut | US | False |
US_DC | District of Columbia | US | False |
US_DE | Delaware | US | False |
US_FL | Florida | US | False |
US_GA | Georgia | US | False |
US_GU | Guam | US | True |
US_HI | Hawaii | US | True |
US_IA | Iowa | US | False |
US_ID | Idaho | US | False |
US_IL | Illinois | US | False |
US_IN | Indiana | US | False |
US_KS | Kansas | US | False |
US_KY | Kentucky | US | False |
US_LA | Louisiana | US | False |
US_MA | Massachusetts | US | False |
US_MD | Maryland | US | False |
US_ME | Maine | US | False |
US_MI | Michigan | US | False |
US_MN | Minnesota | US | False |
US_MO | Missouri | US | False |
US_MP | Northern Mariana Islands | US | False |
US_MS | Mississippi | US | False |
US_MT | Montana | US | False |
US_NC | North Carolina | US | False |
US_ND | North Dakota | US | False |
US_NE | Nebraska | US | False |
US_NH | New Hampshire | US | False |
US_NJ | New Jersey | US | False |
US_NM | New Mexico | US | False |
US_NV | Nevada | US | False |
US_NY | New York | US | False |
US_OH | Ohio | US | False |
US_OK | Oklahoma | US | False |
US_OR | Oregon | US | False |
US_PA | Pennsylvania | US | False |
US_RI | Rhode Island | US | False |
US_SC | South Carolina | US | False |
US_SD | South Dakota | US | False |
US_TN | Tennessee | US | False |
US_TX | Texas | US | False |
US_UT | Utah | US | False |
US_VA | Virginia | US | False |
US_VT | Vermont | US | False |
US_WA | Washington | US | False |
US_WI | Wisconsin | US | False |
US_WV | West Virginia | US | False |
US_WY | Wyoming | US | False |